Apr 14

Key points about the bits of intelligence.

Image courtesy of Freerangestock

Image courtesy of Freerangestock

As many of you know, the past 30 of March, I had the privilege to participate as a speaker in the I Congress of Educating Learning Childhood Education, you can see the video Youtube, or if you prefer, check presentation Slideshare. One of the topics, for matter of time, I could not try was the theme of the bits of intelligence. While I talked about some games you can make with bits, You can see them in detail in the post, "The game. Key learning of the smaller ", we did not see how to make them and how they should go to the kids to really be effective and efficient, so I wanted to dedicate this post to this topic.

The theme of the bits of intelligence is a controversial topic that every teacher has spoken at some point in their career. Some assert categorically the effectiveness of this method, while others say it is not as effective as outlined.

En este post, My goal is that all know what are the bits of intelligence and you are capable of making them yourself. Further, I want to tell you first hand as has been my experience using them in the English classroom.

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Apr 14

Smile and Learn. A new way to work reading.

You know that one of the points that usually try my post is the use of new technologies in the teaching-learning process, and not just in the classroom, also at home.

There are many applications that help us work the direntes areas with small house and my, personally, I like to stress upon the applications for language learning, especially English. In fact, the last week I spoke of an app in which I have the pleasure to participate as an educational consultant.

Today I asked my friends Smile and Learn, of which I already talked in the past Education Congress Educating Children to Learn we explain firsthand what their stories and above all provide added value.



I think no one better than them to tell you first hand all the characteristics of these stories.

I leave with them!

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Apr 14

Children´s Day Map. How and why to develop an educational app.

Children´s Day Map Cartel

Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A month ago I was at home thinking how I was going to pose the paper What weeks later would I do at the I Congress of Early Childhood Education of Learning by Educating, and I realized that one of the things that I wanted to deal with during that hour and a half was how to work routines in the English classroom.

I thought about how I work routines in my classroom, I thought of songs, in games, rhyme, in routine calendars, I even thought about making a routine calendar and illustrating the process to share it with you. But I wanted to go even further and I said to myself: "Why not an app for children to work routines with the tablet or computer? Further, if made this type of app I will be able to use it in my classroom ”And… let's get to work!

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