Oct 15

20 Halloween songs to learn English.

Surely this week are preparing lots of activities to celebrate Halloween with the kids.

As you may know, Halloween is a festival of Celtic origin that is celebrated 31 October, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. So it is common for English teachers celebrate this holiday with our students in class.

In este post from last year, I already told you about some thematic activities you could do with the kids at this time.

Today I have prepared a compilation 20 songs for you to work different concepts, yes, always with the theme of Halloween 🙂

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Oct 15

Learning through play, it's posible!

More than a month ago I opened my little academy. It has been a month of many preparations, nerves, New starts. But I have to say it has probably been one of the best principles of my lifetime.

In September they were 15 kids who started this adventure with me, and today we are more than double. What can I say?

During this month and a half I have been defining the methodology iKidz. I've been seeing what works and what does not work, what more to help kids and do less and have come to a clear conclusion: Learning by doing is fundamental, Learn through play is possible!

So in today's post, I want to share with you some of the activities we have done. From those made with small, until they have older a little bit closer to English.

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Oct 15

How to win your students. Infographic.

As your students earn portada_vamos growing

Lately people ask me what I do for my students come to class so happy. As you know, I have a small academy, and sometimes it is difficult to get them after a long day of cole the kids come with enthusiasm and joy “an extra hour of class”. In reality, I do nothing magical or special. I think they are common sense things that the teachers sometimes forget. Perhaps because we are more concerned with what we consider more important as the content we will give.
I personally, I consider fundamental the treatment of students. Not only because there will be more happy, but because they learn more. So today, os he preparado un infographic with the keys that I consider fundamental to earn our students.

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Oct 15

6 Apps to help others.

photo credit: ipad via photopin (license)

photo credit: ipad via photopin (license)

Teaching children empathy and offer them the tools to learn how to help others is a fundamental task that neither parents nor teachers can forget.

The kids must understand the value of work, work with a friend, do something different and important to change the world and show others you care about.

Sometimes, It costs us teach these values ​​to children because they have the tools to do. So in today's post I am going to leave 6 applications and teach your children the importance of working students, care for the planet and more.

Are you ready to change the world? 😉

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