Jul 15

This summer your photos with the owl iKidz are prize!

We are ikidz

You want to start the course debuting books?

This September iKidz opens, and I'm so so happy I want you to begin releasing the course reading books, English course! 😉

As I have kids of all ages, I chose two books of very different levels, as far as possible, to adapt to the winners.

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Jul 15

4 Minecraft based educational programs.

Sometimes teachers we endeavor to follow the same teaching methodologies always, despite realizing that they are not causing the effect it should and that our students get bored as oysters. The point is, Why do we insist? Do we think our students? Or thinking about us?

On occasion I mentioned in my post Minecraft, a game that caused and continues to cause a stir among the kids and not so little ones. Luckly, many professionals who have seen the educational potential of this game and have developed effective educational programs based on it. In today's post, we will see these programs.

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Jul 15

How to turn our class.

Some time ago, I became fashionable model called flipped classroom. The meaning, as its name suggests, It is "to turn the class", raise it a different way to produce really meaningful learning.

For me, summer is a time to take the opportunity to retrain, find resources and alternatives in order to improve the way that I have to teach my students. So today, I decided to research and write about the flipped classroom idea but, above all, on tools that will enable us "to turn our class".

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Jul 15

Keys to learning how to learn from mistakes.

Keys to teach learn from the mistakes we grow cover

One of the issues of greatest concern to parents today, is the right point of freedom that should give their children when it comes to discovering and learning, above all, when you are learning from mistakes terms.

Personally, children consider fundamental mistake, than learn to manage those mistakes and learn from them.

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Jul 15

10 FREE web pages to read English.

Now yes! Your kids have started their vacations and sure you're squeezing your head thinking what you can do with them all day ...

Surely you've decided to take them to a summer camp, or have not been forced to leave them with grandparents. In any case, You may well be looking for books or resources to go over this summer.

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