Jan 16

Exceptional or mediocre, What kind of teacher are you?

Portada_Exceptional teachers_ikidz_we are growing

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the event Grandes Profes, and I have to say that, each and every one of the presentations made me reflect on my role as a teacher and the work I do.

It is the second year that I attend this event, and I have realized that their main objective is not to teach us something in particular, Its main objective is to make us reflect and give us a “kick” of energy to continue fighting for a profession that is less and less valued.

There are many topics that were discussed throughout the day, but the central theme was the ATTITUDE. The attitude that makes some teachers better than others. The ENERGY that makes the difference between exceptional and mediocre teachers, or "less good" as I prefer to say.

But, then, What Makes One Teacher Better Than Another? What has made César Bona one of the best teachers in the world? Is your knowledge? Is your experience?

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Jan 16

This summer will travel iKidz! Are you coming?

iKidz leaves growing viaje_Vamos

As "you hear", few weeks ago I started to organize linguistic dives for next summer aimed at children between 8 and 17 years old, and certainly when you see schools that have selected more than one will prefer to leave the kids with the grandparents and come at us 😉

These dives will take place during July or August and I, personally, I will travel with a group of 15 children, so that throughout your stay you will have a permanent contact me there.

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Jan 16

4 ways to learn English on your own.

photo credit: Hands via photopin (license)

photo credit: Hands via photopin (license)

Many dads and moms who bring their kids to my classes and I discussed what they would like to catch up with English.

The main reason why they did not go to school is the time. They usually have long days and when they come home so they feel like is to spend a little while their kids. Having to leave home, go to class, etc. Les is a time that is not available. That makes will postpone learning English or any other language.

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