May 14

Ten activities to promote reading in smaller.

Of all the issues of concern to parents with children in early childhood education, the topic of reading is probably the one that will bring them head. Usually this is because, unless children are motivated and continue with them the right strategies, It has difficulty reading a lot.

In this post I leave ten ideas or activities that you can make with your children for encourage and motivate reading.

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Jan 14

Ten activities to develop imaginative thinking your child.

To set a starting point and the main reason I decided to make a post with this subject, I consider it important to clarify why it is important, from my point of view, develop imaginative thinking of small and what brings this on your development.

First, it is important to define what is imaginative thinking and what is.

We can say that imaginative thinking is the ability to imagine things of immediate reality through imagination and fantasy. East, It is closely related to the creative imagination and creative thinking.

During our first years of life, our mind is particularly receptive to the stimuli it receives, all our experiences will be crucial for our development, marking our personality and our way of understanding the world.

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