Sep 15

Teaching with actual materials in the English classroom.

photo credit:  via photopin (license)

photo credit: via photopin (license)

When we speak of teaching languages ​​to adults, using real materials is commonplace and common classes. But when it comes to children, It is somewhat less common and widespread. It seems that we should teach children to adapt texts and materials, and we are not very used to teach with real materials. Sincerely, I think this is a mistake for several reasons.

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Sep 15

PE resources to work in English.

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

Increasingly, the cabbages are jumping on the bandwagon of bilingualism, and more and more schools decide to start teaching English at an early age. In the past week, I received an email from Mireia, a reader who told me that this year is "facing" the challenge of teaching physical education in English, specifically in early childhood education.

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Sep 15

4 tricks to teach kids to write.

4 basicos para enseñar a los peques a escribir

photo credit: via photopin (license)

The course has just begun, and certainly there are many teachers who are just out of college begin their wanderings in this wonderful world.

I am convinced that most of these new, and not so new teachers, they are now looking for resources to teach certain skills than, however much they work in textbooks, do not the way we would like.

In today's post, I will specifically address the issue of the writing. First, because it is one of the issues that most concern not only teachers, but also parents. Y, in second place, because this year the kids who have grown up with me, go to first grade, and I hope this helps a little to their moms and dads.

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Sep 15

9 Tricks to make it easier to return to school.

9 portada_Vamos tricks growing

September is a difficult month for all. On the one hand, just we got back from our vacation, and both major and small suffer a little bit of “famous” Post-holiday syndrome.

On the other hand, it's time to prepare everything for next year, the shopping, the races, and inevitably make us all a little uphill until we get back into the routine.

In today's post, I leave a infographic with 9 Tricks what for, as far as possible, make back to school a little easier.

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