Apr 15

12 Key to foster teamwork and collaboration.

12 Keys to promote work in equipo_Vamos GrowingMany times we are so concerned about the content we have to give, we forget that skills are much more important for the future of our students.

In today's post I have prepared an infographic with 12 I consider key fundamental if we want to teach our students what it means collaboration and teamwork.

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Apr 15

Happy Book Day 2015!

As many of you know, was World Book Day yesterday. In we grow wanted to celebrate asking readers to share with us some of his favorite phrases, good books that I have been a before and after for them or phrases that convey a philosophy of life for them.

I leave a compilation of those phrases that I hope you too will reach the heart.

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Apr 15

Apps and songs to work hygiene habits in English.

Inglés_vamos growing hygiene habits

Teaching children hygiene habits can be difficult, especially when it comes to very young children. It seems that the kids what to eat something after having been playing with the earth do not care too, and to say what it costs some brush their teeth ...

So today I bring some ideas to work hygiene habits with the kids. The general ideas will serve to work hygiene habits in any language, yes, resources and applications are in English 😉

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Apr 15

How to improve care for the kids.

Improving growing ateción_Vamos

As a profe sure that often you've told the parents of your students phrases like: "It confuses a lot" or "not pay attention". And as sure that the profes father of the little ones you have said at some point.

When we talk about attention is not only important to seek solutions and activities to improve. It is essential that we find the reason or reasons for this lack of attention.

So today First we will do a review of the possible causes of this lack of attention. Secondly we will look at some general guidelines to improve care of the kids in their day to day. Y, by last, we will see some concrete activities to be working with them.

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Apr 15

10 activities to stimulate language.

10 lenguaje_vamos activities to stimulate growth

When language development refers, every child is a world. We have already commented on occasion that some children can not compare with others because everyone is different.

I personally do not like talking about concrete to develop skills you determine age because I think that depends on multiple factors.

What is clear is that the language may even affect the development of intelligence. In fact I discussed that topic in the post "How it affects the language to the intelligence of children and how to stimulate". Therefore, taking as a starting point what already said at the time, what today are going to give 10 specific activities to stimulate language.

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