Jan 15

School Day of Non-Violence and Peace.

The School Day of Non-violence and Peace is an educational journey founded in Spain in 1964 by poet and pacifist Mallorcan Llorenç Vidal.

The purpose of a day like this is to establish a starting point and support for nonviolent peacekeeping education and permanent.

From 1964 is held every 30 January coinciding with the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

So I wanted to prepare a infographic with 12 desires of real children for a day like this.

I hope you also you share with me and other readers your desires peace in the wall of this post.

Peace Day 2015_Vamos Growing

"The Earth has enough to satisfy the needs of all, but not the ambitions of a few ".

Mahatma Gandhi.

Jan 15

The 5 Kumon keys.

The 5 Kumon_vamos key growing

With this post I inaugurate a new category on the blog: mini posts is a new section where you will find small items on current issues or suggestions for parents and teachers.

Today I speak of Some of the keys Kumon. One of the "extracurricular activities" more fashionable now.

  • The Kumon is based on individualized learning programs using mathematics and reading as tools to fully develop the academic skills of students.
  • The Kumon method of learning was born in Japan Year 1954 Hand Toru Kumon.
  • Present day, over 20.000 Students study in more than 230 Kumon centers located throughout Spain. And around the world are more than 4 million students who practice this method.
  • Kumon is a method can be applied to students of all ages. From 2 years to students preparing for university entrance.
  • The Students proceed according to the capacity at all times, not in terms of age.

Clicking you here find all the information on this method and the centers where they are taught.

You know! If there is a topic that interest you to know a little more and want to try blog, This is your place!

Happy weekend!! 😀