Sep 17

video post. Using Map Children's Day with your little.

The market is full of apps for your kids to play and learn at home. The problem is that many times, downloaded applications that do not have very clear what they are or what their educational value.

It's fundamental, that when you descargáis an application to learn or play your little, ye clear what and how you should use it.

Video Today, I tell you how you should use Children's Day at home Map to be effective and your children learn, for real! 😀

Remember that you have Children's Dap May available for your Android device and use from your browser by clicking here: http://day-map.fourthbit.com

I hope this video the useful results, not only to use Children's Day Map, also for any other app.

Thanks for being there!

“Technology is nothing. The important thing is to have faith in people, they are basically good and intelligent, and if you give them tools, They will do wonderful things with them.”

Steve Jobs.


Sep 17

How to Learn English short vowels.

photo credit: Ewan McIntosh Catriona doing her iPad phonics via photopin (license)

Phonics learning English is essential. If the basis for this are not well established, the process of literacy not develop properly.

Most children do not read English properly because they have not followed a proper method of learning phonics.

There are countless phonetic learning methods, but as you know, one iKidz, We develop our own materials according to the needs of our students. iPhonics is the method through which our kids learn. Through this, children learn starting with the simplest units, up to the most complex.

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Sep 17

video post. 10 Tips for back to school easier.

These before the start of the course are often difficult days because you have to convince your kids that, after a summer without timetables or routines, They have to go to bed soon, they can not spend all day in pisci, and can not eat what they please… In summary, you have to get back to normal and face back to school in the best way possible.

This week I wanted to contribute my bit to this tough task, preparing a video 10 tips for back to school a little easier.

I send a lot of encouragement and energy for this week.

Thanks for being there!