Jul 17

The 50 Hayao Miyazaki's favorite books

When a child 11 Ask years one of the most famous illustrators in the world what kind of books did you read when you were their age, You know that is exposed to an endless list of treasures.

This has happened with Hayao Miyazaki. Perhaps many do not may know him, but those interested in manga and illustration know that is one of the most revered illustrators.

I leave a piece of one of his interviews and a list of their 50 Favorite books. I'm sure that among these, You find great gems to make your summer and your children, more bearable. Of course the books are in English 😉 Let's practice!

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Oct 16

22 More books to learn English.

photo credit: horrigans I'm just sitting... via photopin (license)

photo credit: horrigans I’m just sitting… via photopin (license)

In the last article I left 22 books to learn English classified by subject. Further, I said that in the next so many years leave so you can have your own "library", and depending on the concepts you please work with the kids contéis with an appropriate book.

In today's post, I'll leave books to work from home to the professions through transport and time.

I hope the good results, and together with last week contéis sufficient resources to work with the kids through "story telling".

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Jun 16

6 Refresher books this summer.

The kids just finished cole and dads and you are "desperate" thinking about what you do with them all day. A good way to "entertain", well take the opportunity to review all the concepts worked throughout the year, are reviewing books.

From my point of view, it is good that the kids do something. Be aware that the summer is long and the day has many hours. You better do a little every day to not lose the routine.

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Apr 16

30 Books to work emotions.

30 Stories emotions work

Friday received the message from a mom Academy, a post he has prepared for his blog. Lorena loves the Montessori Method. He's always coming up with new materials to work with your small, and this time the activity carried out with the book "The Color Monster" loved me. I encourage you to enter into your blog and toméis note. Is fantastic!

Lorena's article gave me an idea about what could speak in the post this weekend. Capitalizing on Saturday was World Book Day, and I've never talked about books or collections of books to work with the kids emotions, This week I leave with you a collection of 30 books that come great. A reading has been said! 😉

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Aug 15

The Slight Edge. The small advantage that will make you different.

The slight edge

As you know, this month Alvaro and I are "living" in Greece. Alvaro continues its work, and I'm taking advantage to study, read and prepare materials and content for next year.

Just today I finished a book I would like to share with you. I know I usually do not talk about the books I read on the blog, but I think it's good to share the positive experiences, and we believe that they can bring to others as provide us.

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