Sea 17

15 Tips for managing tantrums. Infographic.

15 Tips for managing rabietas_portada

Tantrums are one of the topics that bring head to parents. Surely as a parent, you may have faced more than one, and as profe profe ... like tantrum that time one of your students while you take care of others 27 Unforgettable is ...! 😉

This week I prepared an infographic with 15 fundamental keys, from my point of view, to manage best tantrums.

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Sea 17

interview iKidz

photo credit: Sergey Galyonkin Shure MV5 portable microphone via photopin (license)

photo credit: Sergey Galyonkin Shure MV5 portable microphone via photopin (license)

This week we celebrated the Day of Working Women. There have been many events that have happened over these days, in order to pay tribute to all those women who daily struggle to gain a foothold in the labor market, and they are fighting for rights and similar to men's wages.

On the occasion of this celebration, I share with you an interview a few weeks ago they made me, I share in the main characteristics of iKidz and our franchise model.

Further, I take to encourage all those women who are skimming the line closest to entrepreneurship, they are encouraged and are released for it.

Entrepreneurship is the best thing that ever happened to me. I have had, and I'll have moments when I feel like throwing in the towel, But when those moments come, unemployment, take a deep breath and I think the difficulties that I find myself, They are ones that are all entrepreneurs, and that those who go far are not only those who achieve great things, but those who manage to overcome the obstacles encountered along the way.

Click here to read the interview.

"You are not what you accomplish, you are what you overcome. "


Sea 17

10 Experiments to leave your gawking students.

photo credit: Erik Schepers The "bioscoop" for stones via photopin (license)

photo credit: Erik Schepers The “cinema” for stones via photopin (license)












It seems that these weeks of Science is the thing. In the previous post, I spoke of a legendary series that is great for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering y Mathematics), and this week I'll leave 10 experiments that you can find on YouTube, Moreover English! 😉

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