Sea 16

Letter to my students.

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

photo credit: Estelle via photopin (license)

Today's post is not for you, Prof, ni para ti, father or mother. Today's post is for your children or students. Good, maybe it's also for some dads, but only for some 😉

One of the main characteristics of the methodology that I use in iKidz, is that the students have class only one hour a week. Something fundamental that I try to instill in my students and their parents, is that if they only come an hour a week it is because they have to review a little every day, in this way learning will be easier and more bearable.

What's the score? The result is that indeed some work throughout the week as I have indicated and they evolve a lot, but others ... others simply believe that by sitting for an hour in my classes they are already learning.

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Sea 16

gamification: Do’s and Don’ts. Infographic.

photo credit: Blue via photopin (license)

photo credit: Blue via photopin (license)

Much has been said, and they will continue talking, of gamification and its use in different fields. There are many companies that are applying it to motivate their workers and many educational tools and methods that have emerged in this regard.

For those of you who are not too familiar with the term, gamification or gamification, it is nothing other than him use of game mechanics in non-recreational environments and applications, with the aim of enhancing motivation, concentration, the effort, loyalty and other positive values ​​common to all games. In education, We could say that gamification is the use of a playful activity to learn with the aim of involving students and offering them a different way of learning.

U.S, logically, we care and concern about the use that can be made of gamification in education, therefore, far from positioning myself on whether its use in the educational field seems positive or negative, what he intends today is to give you some tricks on what we must and what we must not do if we want to use gamification effectively.

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