About Me

Cristina Espinosa

My name is Cristina. I graduated in Advertising and Public Relations and Diploma in Foreign Language Teaching. Why the big change?, To preguntarás. As well, during the time I worked in advertising, I realized that people should do what makes us happy,, above all, sometimes our happiness happens to make others happy. Sure you're thinking that this is a utopia, which of course is something we all seek, then, Why not do something about it? Why go on the wheel thinking about what you want to do or be? That's what I thought when I realized that working in publicity did not anyone happy, or so I thought. I realize that, although work fascinated me, I did not fill me at all as a person and in my view does not contribute anything to society. That, among many other things, It was the big reason for the jump.

After two years as a teacher at a school, currently I combine classes iKidz, my small English school, with classes as a teacher of technical English at the Institute of RTVE and the University Center for Technology and Digital Art, U of. Y, of course, with the development we grow, the blog has grown and will continue to grow with me 😀

Undoubtedly, I've achieved my main goal. Still I do not know if I can bring happiness to those who are around me, but one thing is clear to me: I'm happy doing what I do.

If you have any suggestions, comments or you want to collaborate on the blog, please contact me at info@ikidzenglish.com

"Blessed are those who are attentive to the needs of others, without being indispensable, because they are distributors of joy. "

St. Thomas More