Jul 16

5 activities in English for the first days of class.

photo credit: image_030 via photopin (license)

photo credit: image_030 via photopin (license)

In the past week, one of the blog readers asked what activities could do for the first few days of class. Those days when we have new children, we do not yet know the names, and we need to somehow "grope" How are our new students.

Today I leave 5 activities that you can do, almost any age, from 2nd grade. I hope you find helpful, and when the course begins and realicéis may tell me how you go.

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Jul 16

How to teach English to kids in 2 years old.

Last week I received an email that could not make me more excited. It comes to Ade, a reader and follower of my Youtube channel, that the next course will face a great challenge: teach English to kids in two years in a country with a totally different culture than ours.

In your email, Ade told me that I was not sure how to deal with class, and what resources to use with very young children. Therefore, although today's post is particularly aimed at her, I hope that, all that next year we enfrentéis a similar challenge to help you.

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Jul 16

4 Games to learn English irregular verbs.

4 activities to learn irregular verbs in English

If your child has not had to learn the table of irregular verbs for school, I assure you will have to do so soon. I think it's one of the things I dislike most children, but it is so fundamental, they have no choice but to learn if they want to make proper use of language.

This week I start in iKidz intensive summer courses, as you know, in iKidz always we adapt to the needs of our students. Therefore, during this first half of the activities in which we focus is on learning verbs. One of my students in grades 5 must return in September with the board learned the full, so let's see if we can take a class handle 😉

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