Jul 17

The franchise for iKidz.

The franchise for iKidz

Last 19 June had the opportunity to participate as a speaker in seminar on franchising in the Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo.

In just over half an hour, I wanted to try to convey to the audience, what is the franchise for iKidz, I not only applied to our model and business, if not any brand or industry.

Whether you are interested in investing in this sector, as if you want to know a little more about our brand and philosophy, I encourage you to see the video that I leave then.

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Apr 17

Entrepreneurship in education.

photo credit: Airsoftpal.com Business Entrepreneurs via photopin (license)

photo credit: Airsoftpal.com Business Entrepreneurs via photopin (license)

For second consecutive Year, Centro Universitario Villanueva has invited to the roundtable on entrepreneurship in education, They organized every year as part of Day Training and Employment.

The day was a success, and I had a great time sharing Friday afternoon with students of 4th of Education.

Today I want to tell you a little what issues we try, the views of other speakers and, of course, students.

If you're planning to embark on education, The post today you are interested!

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Sea 17

interview iKidz

photo credit: Sergey Galyonkin Shure MV5 portable microphone via photopin (license)

photo credit: Sergey Galyonkin Shure MV5 portable microphone via photopin (license)

This week we celebrated the Day of Working Women. There have been many events that have happened over these days, in order to pay tribute to all those women who daily struggle to gain a foothold in the labor market, and they are fighting for rights and similar to men's wages.

On the occasion of this celebration, I share with you an interview a few weeks ago they made me, I share in the main characteristics of iKidz and our franchise model.

Further, I take to encourage all those women who are skimming the line closest to entrepreneurship, they are encouraged and are released for it.

Entrepreneurship is the best thing that ever happened to me. I have had, and I'll have moments when I feel like throwing in the towel, But when those moments come, unemployment, take a deep breath and I think the difficulties that I find myself, They are ones that are all entrepreneurs, and that those who go far are not only those who achieve great things, but those who manage to overcome the obstacles encountered along the way.

Click here to read the interview.

"You are not what you accomplish, you are what you overcome. "


Sep 16

3 Refugee schools

Took several weeks going around that would be the first item after the holidays. Do not think I found it easy to decide, I have several issues that I would try, but this post is special.

Cole begins and I'm sure most of your kids have no desire to start, but ye are forward 😉 But this does not happen to other children. There are children who are willing to go and cole, Unfortunately, they can not. This is the case of refugee children, affected by conflicts and wars that are in check much of the Middle East.

Many of these children have been forced to leave their country of origin, without really knowing where they will end.

The main problem is that these little ones are in refugee camps temporarily. Places where living conditions are very precarious and where, In most cases, there are no schools.

Luckly, there are initiatives through being created "schools" in which provide a minimum education for these children.

Today I want to talk about three of these initiatives. I hope to inspire your course starts as inspired mine.

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Feb 16

Where are the 10.000 refugee children disappeared?

A week ago I came across an article that at first I could not believe. At least 10.000 refugee children have disappeared in Europe since the Syrian conflict began. ¿10,000 children?? ¿Disappeared in Europe??

¿How they may have lost track of the European authorities 10.000 children??? What I surprised to read the news was not only the story itself. It was the fact of not having heard anything about it before.

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Nov 15

Two years Growing Together.

Two years growing juntos_Vamos Creciendo_ikidz

A 7 November exactly two years ago wrote the first post we grow.

Two years in which we grow has grown with you. It has grown in readership, in subscribers and content. Two years in which the concept of this blog, the idea of ​​growing slowly, with work and effort would not have been possible had it not been for each and every one of you read every week and you share my articles.

Today I want to thank you and together take stock of what they have been these two years for blog.

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Jul 15

This summer your photos with the owl iKidz are prize!

We are ikidz

You want to start the course debuting books?

This September iKidz opens, and I'm so so happy I want you to begin releasing the course reading books, English course! 😉

As I have kids of all ages, I chose two books of very different levels, as far as possible, to adapt to the winners.

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Apr 15

Happy Book Day 2015!

As many of you know, was World Book Day yesterday. In we grow wanted to celebrate asking readers to share with us some of his favorite phrases, good books that I have been a before and after for them or phrases that convey a philosophy of life for them.

I leave a compilation of those phrases that I hope you too will reach the heart.

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Sea 15

Do we help enroll 120 children in Senegal?


Did you know that…? With 2.350 euros, can afford the fees, management fees and school supplies for 120 children can attend school all year!

I was also surprised me when I read this data. But it is not the only thing to do with an amount in the West can be considered insignificant.

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Sea 15

I want to be profe!

In most of my post treatment issues that tend to interest parents and teachers, but, What about young people who want to pursue this fascinating world that do not quite know where to start?

The end of the year is coming and sure many are students who are considering what career to pursue next year. So today I'm going to talk specifically about what motivations and expectations you should have if what you want is to turn you in future kindergarten teachers.

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