How are you? I've been a while without writing here, but that does not mean that there continued to generate content and materials super interesting iKidz.
If you follow us on social networks, especially in Instragram (@ikidzenglish) we know that makes some weeks ago a “challenge” in our adult class. What it was? To make a recipe at home and work it together for the next class, see vocabulary, had been and how complicated, of course, the most important, If I was rich.
That's why today I leave you a somewhat different post, a video with the recipe that I had to make.
I hope you enjoy it! And if you decide to do it, do not stop sharing your comments with us.
A hug and thanks for being there,
In large states public education will always be mediocre, for the same reason that in large kitchens the cooking is usually bad.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Tags: academy, cooking, cookingclass, english, funenglish, iKidz, kids, learningbydoing, recipe, schoolofenglish, soup