Apr 14

Children´s Day Map. How and why to develop an educational app.

Children´s Day Map Cartel

Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A month ago I was at home thinking how I was going to pose the paper What weeks later would I do at the I Congress of Early Childhood Education of Learning by Educating, and I realized that one of the things that I wanted to deal with during that hour and a half was how to work routines in the English classroom.

I thought about how I work routines in my classroom, I thought of songs, in games, rhyme, in routine calendars, I even thought about making a routine calendar and illustrating the process to share it with you. But I wanted to go even further and I said to myself: "Why not an app for children to work routines with the tablet or computer? Further, if made this type of app I will be able to use it in my classroom ”And… let's get to work!

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Sea 14

The game. Key learning of the smallest.

The game. Key kids learning

The game is one of the main aspects in the growth of children, not only favors their social skills, mental and physical, further, It is their way of knowing the world. Through play they express their feelings, your ideas and fantasies naturally and spontaneously.

During the Nursery Education, the game gives us the opportunity to create situations that actually cause one significant learning in small, that is to say, situations that do not go unnoticed by their little heads, but they are interesting, something that is directly related to the already treated theme motivation. In fact, along this post, let's see how motivation and game are directly related.

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Sea 14

All you need to know to motivate children in their learning.

All you need to know to motivate niños_vamos creciendo.jpg

The motivation It is a vast subject and has been treated from many perspectives. Many theorists talk about the importance of this learning but there are also those who claim that motivation is not at all representative of the individual learning.

I personally feel that it is extremely important, not only from a theoretical perspective, but from a completely practical perspective, and I have observed firsthand as is the evolution of those motivated students and as is those who are not.

In this post we will see a short summary of the main points related to motivation in young children, the main types of motivation, how can we know through the behavior if we are motivated to children or not and how we can develop motivation.

We start?

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Sea 14

Education in our present.

More and more dads, in addition to the care provided by your school, turn to qualified professionals to help them with their children's education.

On the other hand, There are many professionals in order to improve your resume, receive specific training courses expand their knowledge in certain areas.

learn Educando, It is one of those companies 100×100 Spanish, You dedicated exclusively to meet these demands.

The next 30 March will be privileged to give a talk on the I Congress of Early Childhood Education organized by the great family which is Educando Learning, and they in turn, They have wanted to contribute their bit in this blog, performing the following collaboration that I'm sure will be of your interest.

I leave with them!

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Feb 14

What is the right age to start learning a language. Part 2.

As it promised and as the saying goes: "Better late than never", so, such as I promised in the post last week, in this post we will continue to see, according to different studies, which is the best age to start learning a second language.

On the one hand, we will analyze studies that tell us about the learning of a second language before they develop speech and, on the other hand, those studies that refer to learning a second language at older ages as are the 8 years old.

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Feb 14

What is the right age to start learning a language. Part 1.

Undoubtedly the importance of learning a second language has for all of us. There are many jobs that English proficiency by candidates is assumed and this is increasing. Therefore it is very important that our children and students increasingly have a greater mastery of the language which will mean differential value for the future.

When learning or acquisition should start a second language? What is the most appropriate age? How to do it? These are questions that many parents are made when choosing school or decide how to introduce their children in language learning.

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Jan 14

Ideas and tips for children to eat better.

There is an issue that teachers may not give too much importance to educational level, but if the parents are concerned, and a lot. The food is a source of constant struggle between parents and children. Many parents ask me desperate advice because your child does not eat alone, because he does not eat certain foods or because they simply do not eat anything.

Obviously, and as you all know, I am not a pediatrician or nutritionist, but I have read a lot about this topic, trying to find ways and tricks for the meal time is not so traumatic, neither for you nor for them.

With this post I intend to help a little bit on this issue and give some guidelines or tricks that superéis in the best way possible.

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Jan 14

Ten activities to develop imaginative thinking your child.

To set a starting point and the main reason I decided to make a post with this subject, I consider it important to clarify why it is important, from my point of view, develop imaginative thinking of small and what brings this on your development.

First, it is important to define what is imaginative thinking and what is.

We can say that imaginative thinking is the ability to imagine things of immediate reality through imagination and fantasy. East, It is closely related to the creative imagination and creative thinking.

During our first years of life, our mind is particularly receptive to the stimuli it receives, all our experiences will be crucial for our development, marking our personality and our way of understanding the world.

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Jan 14

Best websites to practice English with your child.

Today all know the importance of teaching and learning a second language, in our country mainly English.

Further, it is indisputable that if this process of teaching and learning is done at an early age the results will be much more effective. But, How to teach English to children? How grab their attention when they are very small? The answer to these questions is: THE GAME.

There are many parents who are surprised by the evolution of their children learning a second language, but the truth is that learning occurs almost naturally if we know how to do it. between the 0 and the 6 years children have a special capacity for language acquisition and that is why we as teachers or parents must seize this capacity.

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Dec 13

The tricks you need to help your child to learn numbers and letters.

During early childhood education, They begin to lay the foundations for many areas and areas of life of small. One of these areas is literacy, that does not mean anything other than the union of two processes such as reading and writing.

I do not want to get into too much detail about definitions and theories, there are many authors who argue that we need to develop from writing letters, syllables followed by, words, etc. While others argue that it should be done it is to take the most complex structures and "desmigarlas" to understand them better.

What is certain is that during the early childhood education your children will work the directionality of letters, therefore, it is good that so you can help them know what it is and how it is done.

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