May 14

Everything about the English classroom in child. The best, the minute 1.16 video!

Many already have seen the video of the speech I made last 30 in March I Congress of Educating Learning Childhood Education, even so, I wanted to prepare this post so that everyone may have a direct access from the blog to this video and, further, resumiros a little the main issues deal.

When I raised this challenge, I was told they wanted to speak English classroom in early childhood education, "but, What specifically?", I remember asking, "whatever you want, you can approach it as you think best ". With this information I started to work and decided that I wanted to do was to provide all the information that I would have liked to have had when I started as an English teacher in early childhood education.

Therefore, this paper is what I intend, basically, answer two questions: when and how, that is to say, When learning a second language beginning, in this case English, and how to do it.

Further, If you arrive at the end of the video (1 hour 16 minutes about), you can see in "scoop" the early stages of the educational app, Children´s Day Map, in whose development I have the privilege to participate as Pedagogical Director. If all goes as planned, The web version will be available late next week and the version for tablet and iPad in about three weeks.

Take this opportunity to tell you that if you have problems when reading with the kids in the house, do not fail to see the post on Sunday in which I will give you ten ideas of activities to stimulate interest in reading in smaller.

I hope you find useful information in every minute of this video.

Happy worker's day!

Kisses to all,
