Jul 16

How to teach English to kids in 2 years old.

Last week I received an email that could not make me more excited. It comes to Ade, a reader and follower of my Youtube channel, that the next course will face a great challenge: teach English to kids in two years in a country with a totally different culture than ours.

In your email, Ade told me that I was not sure how to deal with class, and what resources to use with very young children. Therefore, although today's post is particularly aimed at her, I hope that, all that next year we enfrentéis a similar challenge to help you.

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Jun 14

Children´s Day Map. A new way to learn the routines playing.

photo credit: Henriksent via photopin cc

photo credit: Henrik Late via photopin cc

A few months ago I wrote a post on how and why make an educational App. Today, App talking about in that article is a reality and can download Children´s Day Map one of the first applications dedicated exclusively to learn the routines in English while the kids play.

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Apr 14

Children´s Day Map. How and why to develop an educational app.

Children´s Day Map Cartel

Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A month ago I was at home thinking how I was going to pose the paper What weeks later would I do at the I Congress of Early Childhood Education of Learning by Educating, and I realized that one of the things that I wanted to deal with during that hour and a half was how to work routines in the English classroom.

I thought about how I work routines in my classroom, I thought of songs, in games, rhyme, in routine calendars, I even thought about making a routine calendar and illustrating the process to share it with you. But I wanted to go even further and I said to myself: "Why not an app for children to work routines with the tablet or computer? Further, if made this type of app I will be able to use it in my classroom ”And… let's get to work!

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