Sep 16

3 Refugee schools

Took several weeks going around that would be the first item after the holidays. Do not think I found it easy to decide, I have several issues that I would try, but this post is special.

Cole begins and I'm sure most of your kids have no desire to start, but ye are forward 😉 But this does not happen to other children. There are children who are willing to go and cole, Unfortunately, they can not. This is the case of refugee children, affected by conflicts and wars that are in check much of the Middle East.

Many of these children have been forced to leave their country of origin, without really knowing where they will end.

The main problem is that these little ones are in refugee camps temporarily. Places where living conditions are very precarious and where, In most cases, there are no schools.

Luckly, there are initiatives through being created "schools" in which provide a minimum education for these children.

Today I want to talk about three of these initiatives. I hope to inspire your course starts as inspired mine.

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Jan 16

This summer will travel iKidz! Are you coming?

iKidz leaves growing viaje_Vamos

As "you hear", few weeks ago I started to organize linguistic dives for next summer aimed at children between 8 and 17 years old, and certainly when you see schools that have selected more than one will prefer to leave the kids with the grandparents and come at us 😉

These dives will take place during July or August and I, personally, I will travel with a group of 15 children, so that throughout your stay you will have a permanent contact me there.

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