Jun 17

8 Booklets FREE to review this summer.

photo credit: Gwenaël Piaser * via photopin (license)

photo credit: Gwenaël Piaser * via photopin (license)

Last week I wrote an article with some tricks and tips, from my point of view, I could very well come to review the script with the kids.

We are all aware that one of the great difficulties is that English spelling and phonetics are different.

If we have not worked with a method of phonetic learning from kids, the only thing left is to read a lot with them and work through phonetic dictation, interactive activities focused especially for chips and spelling.

In this article a few weeks ago, I left some chips to work with kids, especially child, basic concepts such as colors, months of the year, etc.

This week we have prepared 8 booklets focused especially children of 1st cycle primary.

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