Sep 15

4 tricks to teach kids to write.

4 basicos para enseñar a los peques a escribir

photo credit: via photopin (license)

The course has just begun, and certainly there are many teachers who are just out of college begin their wanderings in this wonderful world.

I am convinced that most of these new, and not so new teachers, they are now looking for resources to teach certain skills than, however much they work in textbooks, do not the way we would like.

In today's post, I will specifically address the issue of the writing. First, because it is one of the issues that most concern not only teachers, but also parents. Y, in second place, because this year the kids who have grown up with me, go to first grade, and I hope this helps a little to their moms and dads.

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Apr 15

10 activities to stimulate language.

10 lenguaje_vamos activities to stimulate growth

When language development refers, every child is a world. We have already commented on occasion that some children can not compare with others because everyone is different.

I personally do not like talking about concrete to develop skills you determine age because I think that depends on multiple factors.

What is clear is that the language may even affect the development of intelligence. In fact I discussed that topic in the post "How it affects the language to the intelligence of children and how to stimulate". Therefore, taking as a starting point what already said at the time, what today are going to give 10 specific activities to stimulate language.

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Dec 13

Ideas for your baby shower party.

As I commented on one of my first post, one of the goals of this blog is to be a place to share experiences, experiences of parents and teachers associated with any aspect of the educational field.

My great friend Blanca wanted to be the first is to collaborate with me on this blog and has done so in a somewhat original form: sharing with us your party baby shower.

For those who do not know, a party baby shower, It is a way to celebrate the future or recent birth of a baby presenting gifts to parents at a party. Traditionally, only celebrating the birth of the first child of the family and only women were invited, but gradually it has evolved to today, that are parties to which are invited to coworkers and friends, and celebrated the birth of all children.

I personally was at the party Blanca, or rather, Mark (the future baby) and ideas and ornaments made seemed so original I asked that share with you all.

I leave her!

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