May 19

Cooperative learning keys. Infographic.

How are you? I know it took a lot of months without posting on the blog. Many have written me thanking me for the articles and asking me to publish something new, so, I'm here!

As you know, one of the keys to my academy methodology, iKidz, cooperative learning is. Although we at iKidz, we made our “own adaptation” this methodology, because our class groups are 8 students.

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Jan 18

Activating curiosity. Infographic.

Saturday I had the opportunity to be at the event Grandes Profes, listening to great professionals of education and communication speak on a topic that all teachers should be key: the curiosity.

As you know, in iKidz Motivation is one of the key pillars. Curiosity is directly related to the motivation, because through this we can get arouse curiosity for what our students are learning.

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Jan 18

15 Tips for improving care

More and more dads who are concerned to comment me who do not get their kids to concentrate and feel to work. Many children who have difficulty maintaining attention when they propose an activity. Perhaps the problem is that whenever we require them more, or perhaps our own pace as adults also affects them. In any case, or by whatever, the concentration is a problem we must tackle from small, especially if we want, when they are older, finish your tasks and activities effectively.

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Nov 17

18 tricks to encourage language. Infographic

There are many reasons that can cause a delay in language, from those bilingual children, they are exposed to learning two languages, even those whose maturation process is slower than others.

Whatever the reason for this delay, You and Dad, mom or teacher, You have many tools and ways to promote the language of sin.

Today I leave a infographic con 18 tricks to encourage language and, If these tips you know little, Do not miss the article that I published some time with 10 activities to stimulate language.

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Sea 17

15 Tips for managing tantrums. Infographic.

15 Tips for managing rabietas_portada

Tantrums are one of the topics that bring head to parents. Surely as a parent, you may have faced more than one, and as profe profe ... like tantrum that time one of your students while you take care of others 27 Unforgettable is ...! 😉

This week I prepared an infographic with 15 fundamental keys, from my point of view, to manage best tantrums.

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Feb 17

8 fundamental ingredients of a great teacher.

8 fundamental ingredients of a great profesor_portada

When I explain the methodology iKidz, I always make space emphasize the fundamental role of the teacher.

It is true that our methodology is very focused on technology, but judiciously prepared and teachers would be virtually impossible to develop.

When I explain our project to people outside the educational environment, They tell me what I want is impossible, I say phrases like "No teachers well", "what you want is not real", "Now teachers are not involved"… But I do not agree. I know great professionals who give everything for each one of his students, which they are being formed every day, that they are involved and living every success and every failure of their students personally.

Today I want to leave a computer graphics with features that, from my point of view, You must have a great teacher and, therefore, the characteristics that we look at the teachers who want open his own academy iKidz.

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Nov 16

Keys to deal with students who insult.


More and more cases of students who insult and disrespect to their classmates and teachers. Sometimes this kind of attitude does not come to be considered bullying, but it is usually associated and be the first step.

In this infographic we will see what we can do to avoid insults and how to react to these.

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