Oct 16

6 Speaking to promote activities in class.

photo credit: Merlin Corner Zoe // Jos Watergraafsmeer via photopin (license)

photo credit: Merlin Corner Zoe // Jos Watergraafsmeer via photopin (license)

If you are profe English insurance that one of the main problems that you encounter is to make your students speak English.

We usually teachers "burden" because we do not get our students to express themselves, and when they do often end up doing in their mother tongue. You must keep in mind that it is normal in the world. For them to use a language that is not yours is complicated, and how to do it when not motivated or appeals.

Therefore, in today's post I leave 6 activities to encourage speaking in class and get your students begin to loosen, even a little! 😉

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Jul 16

How to teach English to kids in 2 years old.

Last week I received an email that could not make me more excited. It comes to Ade, a reader and follower of my Youtube channel, that the next course will face a great challenge: teach English to kids in two years in a country with a totally different culture than ours.

In your email, Ade told me that I was not sure how to deal with class, and what resources to use with very young children. Therefore, although today's post is particularly aimed at her, I hope that, all that next year we enfrentéis a similar challenge to help you.

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Jul 16

4 Games to learn English irregular verbs.

4 activities to learn irregular verbs in English

If your child has not had to learn the table of irregular verbs for school, I assure you will have to do so soon. I think it's one of the things I dislike most children, but it is so fundamental, they have no choice but to learn if they want to make proper use of language.

This week I start in iKidz intensive summer courses, as you know, in iKidz always we adapt to the needs of our students. Therefore, during this first half of the activities in which we focus is on learning verbs. One of my students in grades 5 must return in September with the board learned the full, so let's see if we can take a class handle 😉

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Sea 16

gamification: Do’s and Don’ts. Infographic.

photo credit: Blue via photopin (license)

photo credit: Blue via photopin (license)

Much has been said, and they will continue talking, of gamification and its use in different fields. There are many companies that are applying it to motivate their workers and many educational tools and methods that have emerged in this regard.

For those of you who are not too familiar with the term, gamification or gamification, it is nothing other than him use of game mechanics in non-recreational environments and applications, with the aim of enhancing motivation, concentration, the effort, loyalty and other positive values ​​common to all games. In education, We could say that gamification is the use of a playful activity to learn with the aim of involving students and offering them a different way of learning.

U.S, logically, we care and concern about the use that can be made of gamification in education, therefore, far from positioning myself on whether its use in the educational field seems positive or negative, what he intends today is to give you some tricks on what we must and what we must not do if we want to use gamification effectively.

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Jul 14

Do you know why your child should learn to program?

photo credit: neoneddy via photopin cc

photo credit: neoneddy via photopin cc

Education is an issue that constantly we question. Surely you like me you are thinking if our education system is effective or not, if our children and students learn about, better or worse. We compare ourselves with other countries and propose possible changes.

At Present, one of these "debates" revolves around the possibility of including in the curriculum materials and programming.

¿Programming?? For if. Countries like the United States and Estonia begin to include programming as a subject in their schools, and many educators and computer scientists who defend to the hilt the benefits of introducing this kind of knowledge at an early age.

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Sea 14

The game. Key learning of the smallest.

The game. Key kids learning

The game is one of the main aspects in the growth of children, not only favors their social skills, mental and physical, further, It is their way of knowing the world. Through play they express their feelings, your ideas and fantasies naturally and spontaneously.

During the Nursery Education, the game gives us the opportunity to create situations that actually cause one significant learning in small, that is to say, situations that do not go unnoticed by their little heads, but they are interesting, something that is directly related to the already treated theme motivation. In fact, along this post, let's see how motivation and game are directly related.

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Jan 14

Ten activities to develop imaginative thinking your child.

To set a starting point and the main reason I decided to make a post with this subject, I consider it important to clarify why it is important, from my point of view, develop imaginative thinking of small and what brings this on your development.

First, it is important to define what is imaginative thinking and what is.

We can say that imaginative thinking is the ability to imagine things of immediate reality through imagination and fantasy. East, It is closely related to the creative imagination and creative thinking.

During our first years of life, our mind is particularly receptive to the stimuli it receives, all our experiences will be crucial for our development, marking our personality and our way of understanding the world.

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Jan 14

Best websites to practice English with your child.

Today all know the importance of teaching and learning a second language, in our country mainly English.

Further, it is indisputable that if this process of teaching and learning is done at an early age the results will be much more effective. But, How to teach English to children? How grab their attention when they are very small? The answer to these questions is: THE GAME.

There are many parents who are surprised by the evolution of their children learning a second language, but the truth is that learning occurs almost naturally if we know how to do it. between the 0 and the 6 years children have a special capacity for language acquisition and that is why we as teachers or parents must seize this capacity.

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Dec 13

The tricks you need to help your child to learn numbers and letters.

During early childhood education, They begin to lay the foundations for many areas and areas of life of small. One of these areas is literacy, that does not mean anything other than the union of two processes such as reading and writing.

I do not want to get into too much detail about definitions and theories, there are many authors who argue that we need to develop from writing letters, syllables followed by, words, etc. While others argue that it should be done it is to take the most complex structures and "desmigarlas" to understand them better.

What is certain is that during the early childhood education your children will work the directionality of letters, therefore, it is good that so you can help them know what it is and how it is done.

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