May 17

How to improve English literacy.

photo credit: woodleywonderworks extra credit via photopin (license)

photo credit: woodleywonderworks extra credit via photopin (license)

What happens when you have not worked since childhood education literacy as it should? How can we make our students write correctly in English?

These are questions that many parents and teachers make me. Most schools use methods such as Jolly Phonics phonics to teach their students, but there are schools that completely forget this competition and, logically, When students arrive at primary encounter a serious problem: students do not know the English phonetics and literally write what they hear.

The problem is that once you are immersed in the maelstrom of contents, exams, duties, etc., representing primary, it is almost impossible to spend time working phonetics as we should. What can we do, then, to get our kids write and read correctly in English?

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