Jul 15

4 Minecraft based educational programs.

Sometimes teachers we endeavor to follow the same teaching methodologies always, despite realizing that they are not causing the effect it should and that our students get bored as oysters. The point is, Why do we insist? Do we think our students? Or thinking about us?

On occasion I mentioned in my post Minecraft, a game that caused and continues to cause a stir among the kids and not so little ones. Luckly, many professionals who have seen the educational potential of this game and have developed effective educational programs based on it. In today's post, we will see these programs.

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Jan 15

Let Growing Great Profes. Part 2.

We are growing in great profess_part 2

In post last week I reviewed the paper that Elsa Punset performed at the event last Big Profes 17 Jan..

As I promised, in today's post I will share with you the rest of the papers.

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