Oct 15

How to win your students. Infographic.

As your students earn portada_vamos growing

Lately people ask me what I do for my students come to class so happy. As you know, I have a small academy, and sometimes it is difficult to get them after a long day of cole the kids come with enthusiasm and joy “an extra hour of class”. In reality, I do nothing magical or special. I think they are common sense things that the teachers sometimes forget. Perhaps because we are more concerned with what we consider more important as the content we will give.
I personally, I consider fundamental the treatment of students. Not only because there will be more happy, but because they learn more. So today, os he preparado un infographic with the keys that I consider fundamental to earn our students.

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Feb 15

10 tricks to make homework fun.

10 tricks for reading and homework growing divertidos_Vamos

Sure dad or teacher as the subject of the duties you care.

We have already spoken on occasion this topic, ¿Duties or duties yes no?. Undoubtedly it is a topic of much debate and no end to reach a consensus on whether duties are good or not to improve the performance of our students.

I now I will not get into this debate I have already touched on occasion. What I will do is give 10 ideas to make the time for homework and reading fun.

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Sea 14

All you need to know to motivate children in their learning.

All you need to know to motivate niños_vamos creciendo.jpg

The motivation It is a vast subject and has been treated from many perspectives. Many theorists talk about the importance of this learning but there are also those who claim that motivation is not at all representative of the individual learning.

I personally feel that it is extremely important, not only from a theoretical perspective, but from a completely practical perspective, and I have observed firsthand as is the evolution of those motivated students and as is those who are not.

In this post we will see a short summary of the main points related to motivation in young children, the main types of motivation, how can we know through the behavior if we are motivated to children or not and how we can develop motivation.

We start?

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