Dec 15

10 Carols in English to your kids not stop singing this Christmas.

I remember well what it meant to me Bridge December. It was the beginning of the Christmas, the time to put the Bethlehem, tree and decorations at home. It still remains well. It is during this time that we began to plan and organize parties and Christmas, of course, begin to sound the Carols 🙂

So today, I wanted to make a selection of carols, personally, the more I like, and that will make your kids do not stop dancing and singing at home or at school.


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Dec 14

The value of a smile.

Today I will be a little daring. First, because I'd never posted a blog infographic, and secondly because I will not try a deep subject and “serious”, Or actually if…?

Today, and to dismiss the year, I wanted to address an issue from my point of view is of great importance both in education and in life. Do you have realized how important kids smile? They do it naturally, then, Why not respond in the same way?

Personally I think that the value of a smile is priceless, indeed in this infographic I could gather all that I think gives us, therefore, I'd love to know what else you think brings a smile from your point of view.

I hope that among other things, This will serve to smile more, and give your smile to those who are on your side.

I hope 2015 comes loaded with smiles!

I, if you let me, I will smile at your side.

The value of a smile


“No serious thing that can not be said with a smile.”
Alejandro Casona

Nov 13

Tablets for children.

Now that the holidays are approaching, you may be thinking about buying a tablet to your hij @, if so, surely you will have already been researching on the Internet and you will have established that the tender and options in this regard is huge.

First, you ought to think about if you want a tablet for children "factory" or a tablet for adults adapted to the little kids. If you decide to bone along this second option, blogs have as pequetablet, where you will find all the information you need. These blogs also offer you guides who will explain in detail the technical specifications must be taken into account when making your purchase decision.

In case you have to decide for buying a tablet for children, here's a selection of some of the tablets that you can find on the market. Note that there is a tablet that is better than the other, it all depends on the child's age, the budget you have, and you use you please give.

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