Jul 15

4 Minecraft based educational programs.

Sometimes teachers we endeavor to follow the same teaching methodologies always, despite realizing that they are not causing the effect it should and that our students get bored as oysters. The point is, Why do we insist? Do we think our students? Or thinking about us?

On occasion I mentioned in my post Minecraft, a game that caused and continues to cause a stir among the kids and not so little ones. Luckly, many professionals who have seen the educational potential of this game and have developed effective educational programs based on it. In today's post, we will see these programs.

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Aug 14

4 tools for kids to learn to program.

photo credit: Lars Plougmann via photopin cc

photo credit: Lars Plougmann via photopin cc

The last week We started talking about the importance that some professionals are giving to the fact learn programming from children. We discuss the benefits of this activity and made mention of some studies show that it is possible to start programming even from the 6 years old.

In today's post, let's look at some of the tools most commonly used for this purpose, although not the only.

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Jul 14

Do you know why your child should learn to program?

photo credit: neoneddy via photopin cc

photo credit: neoneddy via photopin cc

Education is an issue that constantly we question. Surely you like me you are thinking if our education system is effective or not, if our children and students learn about, better or worse. We compare ourselves with other countries and propose possible changes.

At Present, one of these "debates" revolves around the possibility of including in the curriculum materials and programming.

¿Programming?? For if. Countries like the United States and Estonia begin to include programming as a subject in their schools, and many educators and computer scientists who defend to the hilt the benefits of introducing this kind of knowledge at an early age.

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