Oct 17

Infographic. 10 Tricks to promote learning.

photo credit: Aikawa 芥 aikawake Colorful Childhood via photopin (license)

It has been a long time since I prepared an infographic and this week I decided to prepare one with some tips and tricks that I think will be great for this beginning of the course.

Learning is affected by many factors. Some of these factors affect, above all, at the moment in which we expose ourselves to the concepts we want to learn. These are the motivation, the way we learn, etc. But there are many other factors that affect learning and that have to do with our routines and lifestyle. It is important that you take into account these factors in order to favor your child's learning, and not only for them, These tips can also be applied to your way of learning.

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May 16

How to get your child to do homework.

The issue of homework tends to be quite controversial. For a few years now, there are many who defend that children should not bring homework. That they already spend enough time at school, and that we are saturating them with too many tasks. On the other hand, there are those who defend that homework is necessary to reinforce and review what was seen in school, and that there are children who without homework would not advance what they should.

Some time ago I discussed this issue with a post in which he spoke of both points of view. My position on this issue is intermediate. I think it always depends on the student and the educational level in which we find ourselves. But, above all, it is a question of the characteristics of the child.

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Sep 15

9 Tricks to make it easier to return to school.

9 portada_Vamos tricks growing

September is a difficult month for all. On the one hand, just we got back from our vacation, and both major and small suffer a little bit of “famous” Post-holiday syndrome.

On the other hand, it's time to prepare everything for next year, the shopping, the races, and inevitably make us all a little uphill until we get back into the routine.

In today's post, I leave a infographic with 9 Tricks what for, as far as possible, make back to school a little easier.

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Feb 15

10 tricks to make homework fun.

10 tricks for reading and homework growing divertidos_Vamos

Sure dad or teacher as the subject of the duties you care.

We have already spoken on occasion this topic, ¿Duties or duties yes no?. Undoubtedly it is a topic of much debate and no end to reach a consensus on whether duties are good or not to improve the performance of our students.

I now I will not get into this debate I have already touched on occasion. What I will do is give 10 ideas to make the time for homework and reading fun.

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Jan 14

Ideas and tips for children to eat better.

There is an issue that teachers may not give too much importance to educational level, but if the parents are concerned, and a lot. The food is a source of constant struggle between parents and children. Many parents ask me desperate advice because your child does not eat alone, because he does not eat certain foods or because they simply do not eat anything.

Obviously, and as you all know, I am not a pediatrician or nutritionist, but I have read a lot about this topic, trying to find ways and tricks for the meal time is not so traumatic, neither for you nor for them.

With this post I intend to help a little bit on this issue and give some guidelines or tricks that superéis in the best way possible.

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