Oct 17

Infographic. 10 Tricks to promote learning.

photo credit: Aikawa 芥 aikawake Colorful Childhood via photopin (license)

It has been a long time since I prepared an infographic and this week I decided to prepare one with some tips and tricks that I think will be great for this beginning of the course.

Learning is affected by many factors. Some of these factors affect, above all, at the moment in which we expose ourselves to the concepts we want to learn. These are the motivation, the way we learn, etc. But there are many other factors that affect learning and that have to do with our routines and lifestyle. It is important that you take into account these factors in order to favor your child's learning, and not only for them, These tips can also be applied to your way of learning.

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Nov 15

Two years Growing Together.

Two years growing juntos_Vamos Creciendo_ikidz

A 7 November exactly two years ago wrote the first post we grow.

Two years in which we grow has grown with you. It has grown in readership, in subscribers and content. Two years in which the concept of this blog, the idea of ​​growing slowly, with work and effort would not have been possible had it not been for each and every one of you read every week and you share my articles.

Today I want to thank you and together take stock of what they have been these two years for blog.

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Sea 14

Education in our present.

More and more dads, in addition to the care provided by your school, turn to qualified professionals to help them with their children's education.

On the other hand, There are many professionals in order to improve your resume, receive specific training courses expand their knowledge in certain areas.

learn Educando, It is one of those companies 100×100 Spanish, You dedicated exclusively to meet these demands.

The next 30 March will be privileged to give a talk on the I Congress of Early Childhood Education organized by the great family which is Educando Learning, and they in turn, They have wanted to contribute their bit in this blog, performing the following collaboration that I'm sure will be of your interest.

I leave with them!

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