Jan 16

This summer will travel iKidz! Are you coming?

iKidz leaves growing viaje_Vamos

As "you hear", few weeks ago I started to organize linguistic dives for next summer aimed at children between 8 and 17 years old, and certainly when you see schools that have selected more than one will prefer to leave the kids with the grandparents and come at us 😉

These dives will take place during July or August and I, personally, I will travel with a group of 15 children, so that throughout your stay you will have a permanent contact me there.

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Aug 15

Traveling throughout the summer and will not break in the attempt.

Traveling all summer

You are profe, have more than two months off and you do not know what to do with your time during the summer?

Valley, sure what you do not know what to do with your time is not quite real ... Summer in the end we are all flies and knows us to little, but the question is, Have you taken advantage of the summer and really could?

True, the budget that the teachers have is very tight. Valley, very, very, but tight, but I assure you can, you only need two things: organize and choose an economically affordable destination.

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