Sep 17

video post. 10 Tips for back to school easier.

These before the start of the course are often difficult days because you have to convince your kids that, after a summer without timetables or routines, They have to go to bed soon, they can not spend all day in pisci, and can not eat what they please… In summary, you have to get back to normal and face back to school in the best way possible.

This week I wanted to contribute my bit to this tough task, preparing a video 10 tips for back to school a little easier.

I send a lot of encouragement and energy for this week.

Thanks for being there!

Sep 15

9 Tricks to make it easier to return to school.

9 portada_Vamos tricks growing

September is a difficult month for all. On the one hand, just we got back from our vacation, and both major and small suffer a little bit of “famous” Post-holiday syndrome.

On the other hand, it's time to prepare everything for next year, the shopping, the races, and inevitably make us all a little uphill until we get back into the routine.

In today's post, I leave a infographic with 9 Tricks what for, as far as possible, make back to school a little easier.

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