Learning through play, it's posible!

More than a month ago I opened my little academy. It has been a month of many preparations, nerves, New starts. But I have to say it has probably been one of the best principles of my lifetime.

In September they were 15 kids who started this adventure with me, and today we are more than double. What can I say?

During this month and a half I have been defining the methodology iKidz. I've been seeing what works and what does not work, what more to help kids and do less and have come to a clear conclusion: Learning by doing is fundamental, Learn through play is possible!

So in today's post, I want to share with you some of the activities we have done. From those made with small, until they have older a little bit closer to English.

  1. We learn prepositions.

The group of 4th and 5th grade had enough trouble with prepositions. It seems that the method of copying lists and lists at school had not worked with them, so I decided to use another strategy.

For this activity you just need a pad of post it and many words 😉

I decided to work prepositions of time, specifically “in”, “on” y “at”.

Take the taco post it and marker. Go write words related to these prepositions, for example: Saturday, 10:30, May, morning, night, Christmas ... So many words as you can think.

In on at Vamos creciendo

Once in class, Word delivers a taco each child and go classifying among all. Once you have the free and have worked their interrelationship, then it's time to copy them to the notebook so that we are not forgotten.


  1. Discovering colors.

Working with kids in 3 years and keep their attention for an hour of class is a real challenge, What I will tell!

In this class, we sang, we play, We imitate the teacher and peers, but also we paint and discover together some basics in English.


The other day, based on the primary colors, and discovering we were mixing colors in English. I assure you they loved!

  1. The rainbow of colors.

The kids in 4 years a little more control stroke, and to them I prepared an activity with colors but also more guided. They had to go painting every grate the rainbow in the corresponding color.

IMG_20150922_180153We did a very precious rainbow!

  1. Mr. Autumn.

Autumn arrived a few weeks ago and with it the "Lord Autumn", which has already become a classic of my classes 😉

This activity is performed with both kids in 3 years as those of 4, and I assure you that in both classes was a success.

It is an activity with which we learn concepts like autumn leaves, trunk, branches, through crafts.

Autumn photo

You can modify the activity to your liking. What I do is paint the kids hand with fingers brown paint, to put it on the sheet to shape the tree. With a brown cardboard, we cut and paste both the trunk and branches and, by last, with colored paper pasted leaves.

It's a great activity because, concepts work not only in English, also they develop fine motor skills, work clamp, etc.

If you want more ideas for work fall, I leave a post I wrote last year with more activities.

  1. We review the forms.

This year my kids, those who have grown up with me from the 3 añitos, They have gone to first grade. They are older and it shows in the concepts and structures that begin to work. Even so, I consider fundamental review some of the concepts seen last year. Therefore, A few weeks ago we were reviewing and classifying geometric shapes.


I hope these activities will give ideas to review concepts and work differently. Since then iKidz me are working.

I take this post to tell you that last 30 ended September photo contest #weareikidz. Our two winners were Inma Gil and Miriam Fv.

Although Miriam has not yet been able to pickup the prize, Inma if the kids went through to his book iKidz. I leave the photo 😀


Thanks for being there!

“To teach is to learn twice.”

Joseph Joubert

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  1. Buenas Tardes, que ilusión Cris; hace muy poco que comenzaste y fíjate en los resultados, son maravillosos y creo hablar en nombre de todos los padres de tus alumnos, estamos contentísimos y nosotros en particular, super ilusionados por los avances de los niños y por tu manera de hacer las cosas.
    Muchas gracias por el libro y por tu dedicación hacia lo que más queremos en este mundo, nuestros hijos.
    Un abrazo muy fuerte de esta familia.

    • ¡¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario Marcos!! 😀 😀 😀
      Soy yo la que tengo que daros las gracias por confiar en mí y por dejar en mis manos a vuestros peques.
      A big hug,

  2. Enhorabuena por tu triunfo, se te va a quedar pequeña la academia en breve!!! Eso pasa por ser tan buena. Totalmente de acuerdo con Marcos!!!
    Qué suerte ese libro (eso me he perdido por no tener Facebook) ya nos lo dejaréis leer. Guapísimos los 3 en la foto.


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