How to Learn English short vowels.

photo credit: Ewan McIntosh Catriona doing her iPad phonics via photopin (license)

Phonics learning English is essential. If the basis for this are not well established, the process of literacy not develop properly.

Most children do not read English properly because they have not followed a proper method of learning phonics.

There are countless phonetic learning methods, but as you know, one iKidz, We develop our own materials according to the needs of our students. iPhonics is the method through which our kids learn. Through this, children learn starting with the simplest units, up to the most complex.

In today's post, let's see how to learn the short vowels in English through resources and activities I use in iKidz.

  1. A sound work in each class.

Liem is essential that no children. Phonics work primarily with kids in 5 years and 1 primary. At this age we can not confuse them with lots of sounds one day.

My recommendation is that you begin by short vowels, and within these by the "a" [ae].

  1. Present sounds.

In these tabs, that you can download for free, They are presented to the sounds of each of the short vowels.






Read them and with them Imprimidlos. First you explicadles that, except in the case of the "u", short vowels are pronounced as read, but this is not always the case in English and later will go seeing.

Encourage them to be the ones who read the words to assure that they have understood. In this video you can see one of my students 5 years was reading in class Thursday.


  1. Build words together.

There are many materials that can be used to build words. Learning through manipulation is essential, and much more effective.

I use letters magnet in iKidz. With these words we build and placing on the magnetic board.

  1. We write the words.

A previous step I make with the kids before writing the words is to color as we continue reading and working sounds.

For my kids, I saw that they were motivated and had taken the letter sounds quickly, structures introduced as: “What colour is the cat?", “The cat is pink”.

Once we have reviewed the sounds had to write. In these tabs that you can download for free, the kids must complete the words they have learned. Ideally, do not look the other tab, to thus ensure, not only they have understood the pronunciation of these words, but, In addition, they have learned.

SHORT A Complete

SHORT E Complete

SHORT I Complete

SHORT Complete

SHORT U Complete

  1. Consolidated through the game.

Like we used magnetic letters to learn words, a great way to review them is with Plasti.

You can go the word and telling them they have to build with clay. It's a great way to internalize the words playing.

I hope all these features serve the, both work with your students at home with your kids.

Gradually I will upload resources to work phonetics.

Do not lose sight iPhonics! 😉

Thanks for being there!

“Live as if you will die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”

Mahatma Gandhi

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  1. I love how pronounced are like sponges.
    Congratulations teacher.

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