5 SPEAKING building activities in your class one-to-one.

photo credit: jan0s via photopin (license)

When we “we face” a class with one student teachers often all we “costar” a little encourage speaking. Usually when we have a group in class, conversations are much more dynamic and generates debate, but when we have a single student should be us who we guide you in speaking, offering resources to speak.

In today's article, I leave you 5 fomentes activities for the speaking in your class one-to-one. I am sure that these activities your students will not have excuses to talk 😉

  1. Video without sound.

Internet offers on many films and short chips that can be used for this activity. First you must watch the video without sound, ask your student to explain what you think happens, You can even try to emulate the conversation between the characters.

This activity is great because you can use it with students of almost any age and level. With the kids use any of the Pixar shorts, they are great, They are cortitos and love them.

Further, always you have the chance to see a bit of a movie that interests you, well that ye be working vocabulary related, because you think it is simple, etc.

  1. Make a complaint.

Make a complaint, of any type, It is one of the most common situations with which your students will find. Before starting the activity, Give them a list of useful vocabulary for such situations. Click here, Vocabulary for complaining, to see some phrases and structures that you can use.

This activity has several variations, You can practice how to file a complaint by phone: power company, telefónica, etc. A complaint with a restaurant. The important thing is that your student has clear the situation and why putting the complaint.

  1. Write the script.

For this activity all you need is a comic without text or bullets. Let your students a few minutes to think about the script and what the characters say. To make it easier you can help. It is a very good practice face to face different situations, usually new.

I leave a couple of examples. In any case, online you have a lot of ideas just looking for "comics without dialogues".

  1. Radio spot.

Your student will become announcer for a day, but first you must create the radio spot. A radio spot 30s is not easy to do, above all, that should have all the product information that we are selling.

You can leave your students to think about the product that he / she wants, O well, give you if you want to work a specific vocabulary. Yes, dile that, at least, Wedge must contain the following information:

  • Mention the product
  • Discuss its benefits
  • Offer an enticement
  • The call to action and reminder
  1. Photographs.

Photographs are a great resource for a speaking class in which we have only one student. Further, we can use them in many ways. I leave some ideas:

  • Describe a photo. Surely this is the most common way to use the photos for a class of speaking. Search Photos that have to do with issues that you have worked in the last classes. Before giving photo, let him have a list of useful vocabulary to describe more accurately. Click here, Describing a picture, You can see phrases and structures useful.
  • Sort pictures. This activity can be a good complement to the activity that I have set before seeing the movie without sound. I would like previous activity. Take several scenes from the movie or short, and ask your students to order explaining the reasons why they have decided to do so, what happens in the movie and possible dialogue. Click here, Order the pictures, You can see an example of the images I use when we see the short "Mike's New Car".
  • Pictures and news. Take several pictures of newspaper or magazines, You can even save the text accompanying these images for later. Ask your students try to explain the news that accompanied these images. Then you can give them the news to read them and see if they were right.

I hope these resources will prove useful for your class speaking. Tell me what about if you use other activities you want to share with us!

Thanks for being there.

“When you not think what you say is when you say what you think.”

Jacinto Benavente

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  1. I encató suggestions of activities, I feel that power many of the communication skills of students and at the same time are entertaining..

  2. Thank shared the activities, are buenisimas, I will put into practice

  3. R. Yolanda Morales Oramas

    I highly appreciate the activities, may God continue to give them wisdom and continue to share their ideas.

  4. I loved your ideas, I look really practical, Thanks for sharing!!

  5. I loved your ideas thank you very much

  6. I loved the activities very good suggestions. keep going.

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