Nov 16

10 activities “to warm” class.

photo credit: victorcamilo  via photopin (license)

photo credit: victorcamilo via photopin (license)

It is increasingly difficult to capture the attention of our students. I do not know if you happen to you but, sometimes, I have to juggle my students to get involved in my class and I pay attention.

One way to capture the attention of our students is with activities and games. These are often called warmers, or activities to "warm up" the class.

I use them quite, especially in my college classes. But these activities can be used with almost any age and, I assure, that shall come great, not only for "Charmed" to your students, but also to review and work concepts in a fun way.

I wont activities can be used both in your English class, as in a class of Spanish as a foreign language, or even in a language class.

I leave 10 Activities that "you calentéis" your class and you make that your students want unmissable 😉

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