Jul 15

Keys to learning how to learn from mistakes.

Keys to teach learn from the mistakes we grow cover

One of the issues of greatest concern to parents today, is the right point of freedom that should give their children when it comes to discovering and learning, above all, when you are learning from mistakes terms.

Personally, children consider fundamental mistake, than learn to manage those mistakes and learn from them.

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May 15

Aggressive strategies for working with students.

photo credit: grouch via photopin (license)

photo credit: grouch via photopin (license)

Surely as a teacher, You have or have had any aggressive student in class. This is often a delicate and difficult issue to deal, above all, when we speak of a classroom 30 students, only one teacher and one or more of them with aggressive behavior toward the teacher or their classmates.

In today's post I am going to leave some strategies that I think I can help address aggressive behavior in the classroom. I hope you serve and help you go telling me your experiences.

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Nov 14

Does it matter the number of students in class?

photo credit: Hansel and Regrettal via photopin cc

photo credit: Hansel and Regrettal via photopin cc

The number of students per class is a topic that has been discussed and that, from my point of view, It will continue discussing much.

On the one hand, are teachers and educators, most of which argue that the number of students should be less than actual, in many cases 31 class size, if you want to improve the academic performance of these. And on the other, are the institutions, center directors, etc. ensuring that the number of students does not affect your performance.

But, Who is right? It has objectively verified whether the number of students actually affects the academic performance?

These are the questions I will try to answer today.

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