Dec 16

10 different ways of using the Tablet or iPad.

photo credit: flickingerbrad student_ipad_school - 250 via photopin (license)

photo credit: flickingerbrad student_ipad_school – 250 via photopin (license)

Surely more than one occasion has used the Tablet or iPad as an educational resource. There are many possibilities that these devices offer us to improve education and, above all, to motivate our students.

But beyond applications, the Tablet and iPad have other potential uses that are sure your students leave open-mouthed.

In today's post I leave 10 ideas to use the Tablet differently in the classroom.

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Oct 16

Why technologies alone are not effective.

photo credit: greg.simenoff Watching- via photopin (license)

photo credit: greg.simenoff Watching- via photopin (license)

Last week I had the opportunity to attend a dinner with interesting people. It was a dinner pecking in which we share our professional experience, our projects and exchanged views and opinions on other projects.

A topic that "we discussed" was the use of new technologies in education. You know that to me is a subject close to my heart, because it is directly related to what we do in iKidz.

My point of view: technologies in education are useful but alone are not effective. Why?

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Jul 15

4 Minecraft based educational programs.

Sometimes teachers we endeavor to follow the same teaching methodologies always, despite realizing that they are not causing the effect it should and that our students get bored as oysters. The point is, Why do we insist? Do we think our students? Or thinking about us?

On occasion I mentioned in my post Minecraft, a game that caused and continues to cause a stir among the kids and not so little ones. Luckly, many professionals who have seen the educational potential of this game and have developed effective educational programs based on it. In today's post, we will see these programs.

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