Jul 18

How to improve your child's behavior. Infographic.

several months I did not write anything on the blog ago. Do not think that I have forgotten you. There have been a few months of hard work, new projects… The next course is taking shape and, therefore, I wanted to leave you this article before going on holiday. From September I will be back with many more articles and recommendations 🙂

In the infographic today, I leave some keys to improve the behavior of the kids, especially at this time of year you spend more time with us and just have routines.

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Nov 15

9 Keys to success.

9 Keys to success_Portada_Vamos Growing

What makes some people achieve success and some not? O, rather, How we are we to educate a child to achieve success?

From my point of view, success more than a question of competence is a matter of attitude. It is this attitude that make the difference between those who make it big and those that do not.

Those who achieve success are not always the brightest. Surely, if we take stock of his career are not the best notes drew at school, but are the workers themselves, persevering and have something clear: they will fight and work hard to achieve their goals.

Educating future, successful adults is not easy. There are many values ​​that we instill from an early age. Today, I tried to summarize these values ​​in 9 points. Of course, They are not the only, but which, from my point of view, best summed up the path that will take our kids to success.

Which of these values ​​is for me the most important? Hard to say, but perhaps the Optimism has a key role. I've already talked about what is for me the optimism in the past, but perhaps the phrase that best summarizes my philosophy is that José Iribas shared in his article "Reasons for optimism.": "We are more than enough excuses, projects need ".

I hope this helps you infographic on the way to the success of your kids. And not just yours, in yours too.

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Jul 15

Keys to learning how to learn from mistakes.

Keys to teach learn from the mistakes we grow cover

One of the issues of greatest concern to parents today, is the right point of freedom that should give their children when it comes to discovering and learning, above all, when you are learning from mistakes terms.

Personally, children consider fundamental mistake, than learn to manage those mistakes and learn from them.

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Apr 15

12 Key to foster teamwork and collaboration.

12 Keys to promote work in equipo_Vamos GrowingMany times we are so concerned about the content we have to give, we forget that skills are much more important for the future of our students.

In today's post I have prepared an infographic with 12 I consider key fundamental if we want to teach our students what it means collaboration and teamwork.

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