Apr 17

10 Topics for writing your students.

photo credit: ot0rip604 statement -Sho- via photopin (license)

photo credit: ot0rip604 Written -Sho- via photopin (license)

As English teacher, one of the main problems I sometimes encounter, It is the lack of ideas or resources in class.

As you know, in iKidz We do not use books, and we generate materials according to the needs of our students. That makes the head is constantly working, generating materials, new ways of teaching, to motivate and capture the attention of our kids. But, obviously, often just ideas, and sure as profe, You will pass you need inspiration for certain aspects of your class.

This happens to me when my students ask for their writing topics. Therefore, I decided to investigate a little and make a list of issues that I think they are coming great. Most of these issues I have taken a series of articles that The New York Times, periodically publishes, encouraging teens to write on your page.

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Jun 16

6 Refresher books this summer.

The kids just finished cole and dads and you are "desperate" thinking about what you do with them all day. A good way to "entertain", well take the opportunity to review all the concepts worked throughout the year, are reviewing books.

From my point of view, it is good that the kids do something. Be aware that the summer is long and the day has many hours. You better do a little every day to not lose the routine.

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May 15

Write to vs hand. new technologies. Infographic.

Portada_Escribir new hand tecnologias_Vamos vs Growing

Since Finland decided that from 2016 substitute teaching linked letter by typing and print, much we talked and thought about this topic. Some are clearly positioned in one of the parties and others believe that both have something positive and necessary for our students.

So in today's post, I decided to prepare an infographic with the points, from my point of view, I consider fundamental and positive in each of the cases.

What do you think? I would like to know your position on this issue.

Thanks for being there!

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Dec 13

The tricks you need to help your child to learn numbers and letters.

During early childhood education, They begin to lay the foundations for many areas and areas of life of small. One of these areas is literacy, that does not mean anything other than the union of two processes such as reading and writing.

I do not want to get into too much detail about definitions and theories, there are many authors who argue that we need to develop from writing letters, syllables followed by, words, etc. While others argue that it should be done it is to take the most complex structures and "desmigarlas" to understand them better.

What is certain is that during the early childhood education your children will work the directionality of letters, therefore, it is good that so you can help them know what it is and how it is done.

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