Do not panic! Although the title of the post is that, It is not exactly true.
For the last couple of weeks we do not talk about something else: Finland, the country benchmark in education worldwide, cease to teach calligraphy to teach typing.
In recent days many parents and professional colleagues who have contacted me to comment me the news.
I usually like to contrast the information reaching me, and so I have started to work to see how that that Finland stop teaching handwriting is ...
As I said earlier post, the news is not exactly true.
Currently in Finland children learn two types of writing: on one hand the letter followed or linked, the same learning our kids at school, and print.
Change that much is being talked about is that from the course 2016/2017, Finnish children no longer learn writing linked, devoting that time to learning typing, but They continue to learn writing printing. Therefore, at no time it will say goodbye to pen radically, as some media have pointed.
According to Minna Harmanen, National Board of Education of Finland, will continue giving freedom to teachers consider necessary to teach calligraphy letter linked. In fact, notes that each school made based on the National Curriculum for basic education their own curriculum, so that each school may include teaching letter linked if necessary.
Susana Huhta, vice president of the Association of Native Language Teachers in Finland, ensures that the handwriting helps children develop fine motor skills besides memory, so they will increase the hours of classes such as drawing or crafts., that help the cognitive development of small.
Why typing?
Having said that writing does not disappear completely from Finnish schools, It is interesting to see why the country of reference in education worldwide has decided to include typing as part of their curriculum.
In reality, itself we stop to think, It is not so farfetched. Have you seen how they handle your children the iPad and computer? Sure they have better identified the letters on the keyboard that you.
And you, How many letters you write by hand? I imagine Christmas cards and little else. The truth is that the use of paper and pencil is decreasing and if we adapt to the times ahead we must start with what children learn at school.
The use of tablet computers and is increasingly widespread and, logically, it makes no sense wasting time on teaching kids one type of calligraphy used only in the early stages of education and gradually being abandoned to be just nonexistent.
Is not it more practical change posed Finnish? Teaching children calligraphy print, which by the way are much more exposed. And teach typing and not "bludgeon" keyboard.
I personally, I find cases of students of 1st Primary, those who are given prepared duties print but are asked to perform with the letter linked, What sense does this? Is not it more practical and useful to identify and teach the letter that they were in most cases throughout his life?
In conclusion, from my point of view, the change from 2016 will take place in Finland is well suited, and the best way to adapt to our future closer.
What do you think you? What consequences do you think that will bring this important change in the Finnish education system?
Thanks for your time!
"There are not more than two rules to write: Have something to say and say it."
Oscar Wilde
Tags: pen, bound, writing, Finland, printing, pencil, letter, typing, computer, tablet
I'm not much of new technologies, despite daily use, many things sound like Chinese and would love to be able to control more, but I must admit they are not the future, but the absolute present and pencil and paper pass background. It is also true that no one has a linked point and often our children are learning to read, They do not know how to identify (say a letter), because in a children's story, even in their own school books come with another typeface. I find it important to learn to write with pen and paper, but what is also important to learn what they will use in the future.
Thanks for the post.
'Thank you for the comment White!!
It is normal to cost us to adapt to changes represent for us a world, but certainly for children will be natural.
A hug,
Teachers freedom to choose whether to continue teaching with that letter and I do not think of the right thing. I understand that times are evolving but I think learning teacher and linked the letter makes sense to develop a system of fine motor skills physics student, besides having great advantages such as understanding the spelling of words: when we are young we learn lyrics, syllables and more and more words. And most have very words the acquired in our cognitive system but when we are so small no. What linked the letters in words makes little sense to understand the block representing each word in itself distinguished from other words. But nevertheless, the print, You all know that is a separate letter and, It can be misleading especially at early ages.
We must go slowly getting closer to learning what interests us and what the future holds. But do not forget that writing is a vital need and sensitivity of personal letter and single spelling not have any style or format writing computer programs. It is an opinion what I offer, based on pedagogy and in the sense that education offers each of the pedagogical guidelines adopted.
Hello Jose Manuel,
First, I want to thank you for comment this article.
I think your opinion is very successful. Undeniably linked the letter makes much more sense at an early age than any other typeface. I think that in Finland continue teaching calligraphy letter linked to early age to gradually replace this by the print and typing, although I do not know the details of how, exactly, the process is performed.
A greeting,