Apr 16

All the acronyms you should know if you're English teacher.

All the acronyms you should know if you are English profDo not tell me you've never experienced this situation: you get to talk to the typical companion profession that only uses acronyms to express. "What if the CLIL is the latest in language teaching, but you use CMC is that you're not the last ... " And you will look ojiplático saying: "Clear, Clear, If you say it…" Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit… Most English teachers are familiar with most of these acronyms, or more than from the acronym with the method to which they refer. But begins to have so many, we find it almost impossible to remember all of them and their meaning.

I was missing a little "directory" with the main acronyms refer to methodologies or tools used in language learning, namely English. That's why today I prepared a post with the main ones that I know and I've found researching a little.

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Dec 15

How We gave life mascot iKidz.

iKidz English_Vamos Growing

As you know, I opened in September iKidz, a small school located in Torrejon de Ardoz with a special methodology. In learning is iKidz truly personalized, What does it mean? This means that We do not use books. The materials are generated based on the student's needs and concepts for the teaching-learning process it shows that you need to learn. But, further, in the game is essential iKidz, motivation and integrate language learning in all aspects of the lives of our kids, and not so little ones ...

In iKidz we give importance to all, from the pillars of our methodology, even the small details that make this "center" such a special place. If you walk into our muro de Facebook you'll see what I mean by "those little details".

Further, Today I want to show a little surprise, the video of how life gave Owly, owl iKidz.

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Nov 15

Working dyslexia in language learning.

photo credit:  via photopin (license)

photo credit: via photopin (license)


Dyslexia is a topic that had not tried before on the blog. You know what, generally, I usually address issues, either they have a direct bearing on my way to work in the classroom, or I investigate to help and work best with one of my students.

A few weeks ago I met this challenge, and I have been aware of the few resources they have and how the education system, at least in the case with which I have found, It has not done anything, in the center, to help this student.

I invested a little on this subject, obviously, applied to learning a foreign language, and today I will activities or leave you some tricks that English teachers can do to help students with such difficulties.

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Nov 14

4 reasons for learning English movies.

4 apreder reasons for English movies

Movies are one of the tools used in language learning, especially when we refer to the process of teaching and learning of adults. But for children are also a very effective learning tool.

When a teacher makes a movie to his students not to fill the class and to be left alone, in most cases ... Generally, drawings or videos have an educational purpose.

Today I'll tell you the 4 Main reasons that movies are a good tool in language learning. Further, this applies both to learning of your children as to yours and, on the other hand, for those of you not yet manejáis well with English you can come in handy for practicing with your kids.

Camera ... action!

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Aug 14

6 Apps to play and read English.

photo credit: Oscar_Shen via photopin cc

photo credit: Oscar_Shen via photopin cc

We are in the middle of August, but that does not mean the kids leave to go over what they have seen during the course. Unlike, Now we approach the start of the new course the ideal is to review the concepts worked during the year in order to start with a solid foundation.

A good way to "work" is through reading. Thus, Children go over vocabulary, pronunciation and those somewhat older, read during the summer.

Today I will make a review of 6 Apps for you to practice English in a fun and dynamic as you read with the kids.

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Sea 14

The game. Key learning of the smallest.

The game. Key kids learning

The game is one of the main aspects in the growth of children, not only favors their social skills, mental and physical, further, It is their way of knowing the world. Through play they express their feelings, your ideas and fantasies naturally and spontaneously.

During the Nursery Education, the game gives us the opportunity to create situations that actually cause one significant learning in small, that is to say, situations that do not go unnoticed by their little heads, but they are interesting, something that is directly related to the already treated theme motivation. In fact, along this post, let's see how motivation and game are directly related.

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Feb 14

What is the right age to start learning a language. Part 1.

Undoubtedly the importance of learning a second language has for all of us. There are many jobs that English proficiency by candidates is assumed and this is increasing. Therefore it is very important that our children and students increasingly have a greater mastery of the language which will mean differential value for the future.

When learning or acquisition should start a second language? What is the most appropriate age? How to do it? These are questions that many parents are made when choosing school or decide how to introduce their children in language learning.

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Jan 14

Best websites to practice English with your child.

Today all know the importance of teaching and learning a second language, in our country mainly English.

Further, it is indisputable that if this process of teaching and learning is done at an early age the results will be much more effective. But, How to teach English to children? How grab their attention when they are very small? The answer to these questions is: THE GAME.

There are many parents who are surprised by the evolution of their children learning a second language, but the truth is that learning occurs almost naturally if we know how to do it. between the 0 and the 6 years children have a special capacity for language acquisition and that is why we as teachers or parents must seize this capacity.

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