Dyslexia is a topic that had not tried before on the blog. You know what, generally, I usually address issues, either they have a direct bearing on my way to work in the classroom, or I investigate to help and work best with one of my students.
A few weeks ago I met this challenge, and I have been aware of the few resources they have and how the education system, at least in the case with which I have found, It has not done anything, in the center, to help this student.
I invested a little on this subject, obviously, applied to learning a foreign language, and today I will activities or leave you some tricks that English teachers can do to help students with such difficulties.
First, and for you who are not very familiar with this concept, according to RAE, Dyslexia is: "The difficulty in learning to read or write, often associated with impaired motor coordination. "
If you want a slightly more detailed definition, we could say that the dyslexia is: "Dyslexia is a learning disability characterized by significant difficulties in learning reading and writing, in the absence of neurological and / or sensory disturbances to justify it. "
Given these definitions, and the difficulties that these students are to read and write, imagine the difficulties they will encounter when learning a second language ...
It is essential that when we find a If dyslexia, All teaching staff make an effort to adapt, as far as possible, processes students with difficulties, because otherwise never advance.
What can teachers do to help these students?
When we encounter such a difficulty, all tend to "cover" in some way what we consider a problem, but this may not be so. Before adapt and prepare activities to help these students, we must develop some guidelines and strategies which will greatly help to create an appropriate learning environment.
- Communicate to all the teaching staff the student's difficulties. Once all teachers know, do know that all students are aware, and that all in a coordinated and joint will help.
- Communicate to other students the difficulties of his partner. When we talk about students of 3rd primary cycle, ESO and high school, how to communicate to students that is essential for there is no rejection and see it as something that you can work and, reality, It could happen to anyone. I leave a couple of activities you could do in class:
- Mural on dyslexia. Divide the class into groups and ask each to prepare a mural about this disorder. You can go pointing at blackboard what each group has found plating and possible solutions for each of the features of the disorder.
- Relevant people with dyslexia. Divide the class into groups and provides each named after a character known, for example Einstein, Tom Cruise, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates etc.. When students present their work, Ask them what they think the characters have in common. Surely you will be surprised when you see all these characters have dyslexia, but it will help to see that is not a problem to develop a successful career.
- Once, both teachers and students, They are aware of the difficulties of his students and fellow respectively. It is important that we strengthen the areas and skills in which students feel comfortable with dyslexia, plus the maximum power all.
- Prevent the student copy written statements or information as well as questions dictated.
- Search visual or auditory reinforcements to work the contents of the different materials. PowerPoint presentations, conceptual maps, documentaries and films, etc.
- Allowing students to use tools such as a PC to take notes and audio recorder to record classes.
How can we adapt activities English?
To answer this question it is essential to bear in mind that these students have a predominantly visual thinking.
This means that these students need to form and sound, as they have serious difficulties to recognize the sound of each letter and to automate this information.
Therefore, to adapt our class and activities to them, should:
- First, than have very clear objectives of the course and each of the topics. It is important that we explain in advance how they will work, and we follow a clear routine.
- Create partnerships with images, easier to learn English vocabulary. Basically they are activities that enable them to compose and remember the orthographic form of the most significant words. For instance:
- With movable letters form words and associate your image.
- Playing games like "memory" with pairs of cards with the image on the one hand and on the other the word. This activity can use it to work in both the mother tongue and in the foreign language.
- Prepare custom visual dictionaries.
- With side tabs containing the alphabet.
- Associating the word to an image and no definition.
- Wherever possible, promote reading aloud by an adult. If the student environment nobody controls the language, you can use applications and digital books like the ones I mentioned in this post a few months ago. Many of these applications are reading the story while they are marking the words read. This is great for associating the word with sound.
- It is very important that, further, We not amend them misspellings strictly. Allowing the phonetic transcription of the words, for example, school – escul; orange – oranch, etc. In this way we are giving priority to oral integrating them.
- Using online apps and games in which the image association working with spelling and sound of the word. With these tools you can work independently at home and do not need someone who knows the language.
- It's good I always have on hand and in view formulas grammatical structure of sentences, for example: subject + verb + adjective + first name. And structuring schemes different tenses. So they find it easier to compose.
- Dictates prepared. If we are to make a dictation in class, provide the students with previously issued.
I hope that if your child or student has this kind of difficulty, these "tricks" and serve you, above all, to help him or her.
Thanks for being there!
“In more important than winning time education is, precisely, lose it.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Tags: to adapt, learning, difficulties, dyslexia, writing, Languages, english, reading, processes
I have 63 years and I want to learn English and do not know how, can you help me, Thank you, my email is: marthamoncada77@yahoo.com
Hello, Martha,
Thanks for getting in contact with me.
What level do you have? Beginner? Report previous contact with the language?
A hug,
I have the problem of dyslexia want to learn to speak another language need to learn to speak German if I can help where to find a páginal for people with dyslexia please thank them very much because I feel a bit unsafe to get me to a normal school
Hello, Gloria,
Thank you for comment this article!
If you are thinking about learning German you can follow some of the tips I commented on the post.
I personally know of no web so that people with dyslexia learn German, but I'm sure you'll find something that suits your needs.
A big hug and luck.
excellent contributions!
Thank Eliana!
A hug,
Hello! I am a teacher of English and this course have a student with dyslexia. This article helped me and given me lots of ideas. Many thanks!
Thank you very much to you for commenting on the post Agata 😀
I'm glad it helped you.
A hug,
Hi Cristina .I'm English teacher in secondary schools in Argentina and really as you say the education system has little or no resources I would say to work this difficulty. Unrecognized brindes me some pointers to realize when we are dealing with cases of dyslexia and thereby help or refer students nuestos qualified professionals.. First detect and then assist in the process ,advised by preofesionales. Thank you
Hi Mariel,
Thanks for commenting the post! Your comment, you have given me an idea.
I am preparing an article with those indicators that help us know if we are dealing with a case of dyslexia.
A hug,
Excellent article. Congratulations!!
Thank you Gustavo!
A hug,
Hi Cristina
I congratulate you
For your input
I need
Your help to be time to help my daughter who has dyslexia and say
He suffers because that's what he feels
I need practical tools for teaching English and their native language
Español. I feel that schools do not even know how to approach and frustration and self-esteem worsen
Thank you
Best regards
Good morning Fabian,
First and foremost is to remove your daughter the idea that it is a problem.
Talk to her and show her the many characters who have made history and gotten away with this handicap.
Once you see and understand this, then it's time to get to work.
As I told Ana, the app will depend on the concepts you want to work, in addition to age your daughter.
There are few apps that are prepared specifically for students with dyslexia, but the main thing is to shop online app or game in which the image association working with spelling and sound of the word.
I hope telling me how things go.
A hug,
Thanks Cristina! Very good your article. I HAFO a question, you can suggest some app especially for a student 15 years with dyslexia and elementary level?
Hello Ana,
Thank you for commenting on the post.
The app will depend on the concepts you want to work. There are few apps that are prepared specifically for students with dyslexia, but the main thing is to shop online app or game in which the image association working with spelling and sound of the word. This is what most help your student. Looking games for children, no matter whether for kids.
A hug,
Excellent. I teach English and work with students with dyslexia and asperger
Thanks for commenting Gabriela.
I would love you to share some of your experiences in the classroom with us, you dare? 🙂
A hug,
Hello, Good Morning, I am from mexico,
I am a Spanish teacher, teach the Spanish language to foreigners and recently detected that one of my students may have dyslexia, although I'm not sure, but it presents some of the symptoms belonging to this disorder.
I would like to know how I can help and make learning my language a little easier. I have not asked anything about it and he has not told me anything.
I hope you can help me.
Hi, Diana,
Thank you for commenting on the post. If we are talking about an adult, It is quite surprising that we have not detected before dyslexia.
The first thing is to talk about it with him / her, comentale what you observed naturally. If you actually confirms that it is dyslexic or intuits that can be, the main thing is to know what you are doing and what steps takes him / her in their daily lives.
My recommendation to help and make the learning process easier is to use the tablet or computer. By not having to manually type them much easier to identify letters.
On the Internet you have many tools, exercises and activities to teach Spanish to, I'm sure, you will come great.
Telling how things go.
A hug,
I forgot to clarify that my students are adults.
Hi Cristina, Thank you so public. I need a teacher or English teacher for my son. We are in the federal capital, Argentina. If you got any data q can give me would be very useful.
Hello Dolores,
I wish I could help but I have no contact can recommend in Argentina.
A hug,
Thank you very much for sharing the information. I will help to support my child cope with this condition. I am from peru. May they continue to publish more strategies.
Hello Ricssi,
I am glad that you find useful! 🙂
I hope you continue to find information to help you blog.
A hug,
Hi Cristina, Thank you for such a good infomation wanted to know how it could help my daughter 9 years she writes words into English as they like listening Small = Esmol, tools that could be used to improve your writing ? I never thought of using cards in which this as pronounced as written.
Good morning Jose,
I would start working the sound of the letters. First working the sound of the vowels and different combinations, to go gradually complicating the words.
The idea of making cards with spelling and pronunciation sounds very good. always accompanies these cards with the image of the word that you are working.
A hug,
Hi Cristina.
My name is Conchi and I have a daughter of 14 years with dyslexia and is in 2 of the ESO.
So far we have barely defended ourselves with English, but I can't help her anymore. Last year she was in an academy and I had to take her out since she was not keeping up with her classmates and she got involved more than she is. We had thought of a private teacher but they ask a lot for an hour two days a week.
If you could tell me how to help her and make her learning easier, with web, tutorials….
Thank you for everything. A greeting.
Hi Conchi,
Undoubtedly, the best help would be a person who could adapt the contents and their explanation to their needs.. I understand that these types of resources are expensive, in that case the only way I can think of, and at these ages, is the use of new technologies.
As I mention in the article, The use of tablets or any other resource in which there is a visual representation makes the comprehension process much easier for them.
In any case, in the institute they should adapt the contents, Written tests, They do not do it?
A hug and thank you for commenting on the post,
good morning,
In case someone does not know the project started by Luz Rello, here is the link to the page, with free test for detection and lots of info http://www.changedyslexia.org
It helps detect dyslexia for free through a scientifically validated screening test and has scholarships to improve children's skills through their play dynamics.
Thanks for the article, Cristina!
Thank you very much Marta.
A hug,
Mi nombre es Natalia, tengo 31 años y tengo dislexia, toda la vida he tenido clases de inglés y con el tiempo hasta hace poco he podido comprender algo del idioma, mi ortografía desde la etapa escolar era fonológica – auditiva y los acentos y mala dicción de mis profesores hacia que los dictados me afectaran, tengo excelente lectura mental, escritura mecanográfica, y habilidad para el doblaje y la locución, aunque me cuesta algunas veces leer en voz alta, pues mi mente va mucho más rápido que mi vocalización. por mi buen oído tengo buena pronunciación en inglés , francés y portugués, en el trabajo debo hablar inglés pero aunque reconozco palabras, leo y escribo por dictado, aun no puedo crear oraciones por mi misma para conversar, solo frases aprendidas pero ningún pensamiento que pueda expresar especialmente en inglés para seguir una conversación.
Podrias darme alguna recomendación para el aprendizaje del idioma en adultos
Hola Natalie,
Siempre digo que los adultos aprendemos de la misma forma que los niños: jugando.
Las recomendaciones que comento en el post se pueden aplicar/adaptar a adultos también 🙂 Siempre recordando que son solo recomendaciones, no soy especialista en esto 😉
A hug,