Jun 16

6 Refresher books this summer.

The kids just finished cole and dads and you are "desperate" thinking about what you do with them all day. A good way to "entertain", well take the opportunity to review all the concepts worked throughout the year, are reviewing books.

From my point of view, it is good that the kids do something. Be aware that the summer is long and the day has many hours. You better do a little every day to not lose the routine.

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Apr 16

All the acronyms you should know if you're English teacher.

All the acronyms you should know if you are English profDo not tell me you've never experienced this situation: you get to talk to the typical companion profession that only uses acronyms to express. "What if the CLIL is the latest in language teaching, but you use CMC is that you're not the last ... " And you will look ojiplático saying: "Clear, Clear, If you say it…" Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit… Most English teachers are familiar with most of these acronyms, or more than from the acronym with the method to which they refer. But begins to have so many, we find it almost impossible to remember all of them and their meaning.

I was missing a little "directory" with the main acronyms refer to methodologies or tools used in language learning, namely English. That's why today I prepared a post with the main ones that I know and I've found researching a little.

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Jan 16

This summer will travel iKidz! Are you coming?

iKidz leaves growing viaje_Vamos

As "you hear", few weeks ago I started to organize linguistic dives for next summer aimed at children between 8 and 17 years old, and certainly when you see schools that have selected more than one will prefer to leave the kids with the grandparents and come at us 😉

These dives will take place during July or August and I, personally, I will travel with a group of 15 children, so that throughout your stay you will have a permanent contact me there.

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Jan 16

4 ways to learn English on your own.

photo credit: Hands via photopin (license)

photo credit: Hands via photopin (license)

Many dads and moms who bring their kids to my classes and I discussed what they would like to catch up with English.

The main reason why they did not go to school is the time. They usually have long days and when they come home so they feel like is to spend a little while their kids. Having to leave home, go to class, etc. Les is a time that is not available. That makes will postpone learning English or any other language.

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Dec 15

How We gave life mascot iKidz.

iKidz English_Vamos Growing

As you know, I opened in September iKidz, a small school located in Torrejon de Ardoz with a special methodology. In learning is iKidz truly personalized, What does it mean? This means that We do not use books. The materials are generated based on the student's needs and concepts for the teaching-learning process it shows that you need to learn. But, further, in the game is essential iKidz, motivation and integrate language learning in all aspects of the lives of our kids, and not so little ones ...

In iKidz we give importance to all, from the pillars of our methodology, even the small details that make this "center" such a special place. If you walk into our muro de Facebook you'll see what I mean by "those little details".

Further, Today I want to show a little surprise, the video of how life gave Owly, owl iKidz.

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Dec 15

10 Carols in English to your kids not stop singing this Christmas.

I remember well what it meant to me Bridge December. It was the beginning of the Christmas, the time to put the Bethlehem, tree and decorations at home. It still remains well. It is during this time that we began to plan and organize parties and Christmas, of course, begin to sound the Carols 🙂

So today, I wanted to make a selection of carols, personally, the more I like, and that will make your kids do not stop dancing and singing at home or at school.


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Nov 15

Working dyslexia in language learning.

photo credit:  via photopin (license)

photo credit: via photopin (license)


Dyslexia is a topic that had not tried before on the blog. You know what, generally, I usually address issues, either they have a direct bearing on my way to work in the classroom, or I investigate to help and work best with one of my students.

A few weeks ago I met this challenge, and I have been aware of the few resources they have and how the education system, at least in the case with which I have found, It has not done anything, in the center, to help this student.

I invested a little on this subject, obviously, applied to learning a foreign language, and today I will activities or leave you some tricks that English teachers can do to help students with such difficulties.

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Oct 15

6 Apps to help others.

photo credit: ipad via photopin (license)

photo credit: ipad via photopin (license)

Teaching children empathy and offer them the tools to learn how to help others is a fundamental task that neither parents nor teachers can forget.

The kids must understand the value of work, work with a friend, do something different and important to change the world and show others you care about.

Sometimes, It costs us teach these values ​​to children because they have the tools to do. So in today's post I am going to leave 6 applications and teach your children the importance of working students, care for the planet and more.

Are you ready to change the world? 😉

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Sep 15

Teaching with actual materials in the English classroom.

photo credit:  via photopin (license)

photo credit: via photopin (license)

When we speak of teaching languages ​​to adults, using real materials is commonplace and common classes. But when it comes to children, It is somewhat less common and widespread. It seems that we should teach children to adapt texts and materials, and we are not very used to teach with real materials. Sincerely, I think this is a mistake for several reasons.

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Sep 15

PE resources to work in English.

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

photo credit: Base Path via photopin (license)

Increasingly, the cabbages are jumping on the bandwagon of bilingualism, and more and more schools decide to start teaching English at an early age. In the past week, I received an email from Mireia, a reader who told me that this year is "facing" the challenge of teaching physical education in English, specifically in early childhood education.

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