Sep 17

How to Learn English short vowels.

photo credit: Ewan McIntosh Catriona doing her iPad phonics via photopin (license)

Phonics learning English is essential. If the basis for this are not well established, the process of literacy not develop properly.

Most children do not read English properly because they have not followed a proper method of learning phonics.

There are countless phonetic learning methods, but as you know, one iKidz, We develop our own materials according to the needs of our students. iPhonics is the method through which our kids learn. Through this, children learn starting with the simplest units, up to the most complex.

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May 17

How to improve English literacy.

photo credit: woodleywonderworks extra credit via photopin (license)

photo credit: woodleywonderworks extra credit via photopin (license)

What happens when you have not worked since childhood education literacy as it should? How can we make our students write correctly in English?

These are questions that many parents and teachers make me. Most schools use methods such as Jolly Phonics phonics to teach their students, but there are schools that completely forget this competition and, logically, When students arrive at primary encounter a serious problem: students do not know the English phonetics and literally write what they hear.

The problem is that once you are immersed in the maelstrom of contents, exams, duties, etc., representing primary, it is almost impossible to spend time working phonetics as we should. What can we do, then, to get our kids write and read correctly in English?

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Jun 15

What to know your little in the way primary.

You should know your sin in step primary

There are many parents who have asked me what they should know and review their kids this summer they move from childhood to primary.

Dads who are somewhat concerned because they have very clear what is expected of their children next year.

In today's post, besides seeing what a child should know when it comes to primary. I will leave you some resources that you practice and this summer repaséis, yes, Without stress!

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Jun 14

When should my child learn to read?

When learning to read

Now that the school year is over, parents and teachers we take stock of the year. We as teachers, We analyze whether we have achieved the objectives that we had set our students arrive. And dads echáis look back and see everything they have learned, or they have not learned, your kids since September.

Surely as a parent you will be worried about what will your small, and most likely you will have silver to his guardian doubts the type, Is it normal not yet read?

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Dec 13

The tricks you need to help your child to learn numbers and letters.

During early childhood education, They begin to lay the foundations for many areas and areas of life of small. One of these areas is literacy, that does not mean anything other than the union of two processes such as reading and writing.

I do not want to get into too much detail about definitions and theories, there are many authors who argue that we need to develop from writing letters, syllables followed by, words, etc. While others argue that it should be done it is to take the most complex structures and "desmigarlas" to understand them better.

What is certain is that during the early childhood education your children will work the directionality of letters, therefore, it is good that so you can help them know what it is and how it is done.

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