May 16

5 activities to work solving problems and calculation.

Mathematical problems are one of the main difficulties with which the kids are when they enter primary.

The complexity of operations adds that many are still improving reading comprehension. So in many cases even understand the wording find it complicated.

In the post this week I leave 5 activities super simple to do to work problem-solving and mathematical calculations from the 6 years old.

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Feb 16

Learning to solve problems and be resilient.

photo credit: peek a boo via photopin (license)

photo credit: peek a boo via photopin (license)

Resilience is a term that is very fashionable lately. He is talking a lot about the importance of resilience teachers, but from my point of view it is a fundamental skill in any field of life.

For you who are not very familiar with the term, according to the SAR resilience it is: adaptability of a living being against disruptive agent or a state or adverse situation. I.e., that resilience It is nothing more than the ability of people to deal with problems and their ability to solve.

Today I will give you some tricks to make it easier to face and solve problems. I believe that, Whether you're a father profe, these tips will come great because it will help you face life differently and also, you help your children or students to be resilient too.

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