The keys to the new Education Act: the LOMCE.

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First I want to apologize to you because last week "abandoned", but as you will see, I have been preparing a lengthy post that has taken me a long time to prepare.

About what? Well, on the main changes that will occur with the LOMCE. What I will tell you ...! Just read the BOE is already a difficult task, and if you add a little more research about long story ... but I'm here, with an article that I hope will serve to give a fairly objective view of the major changes that will affect your children along coming years, some even this year.

The LOMCE has been one of the educational reforms that has generated more discussion. Many have talked about what the positives and negatives of this educational reform but, Do we know exactly what changes you have made and why?

The Organic Law of Education Quality Improvement (LOMCE) It was approved last 28 November in the House of Representatives and was published in the BOE 10 from December.

Many of the changes proposed are already in force this course 2014/15.


If you go to page Ministry of Education, specifically in the section dedicated to LOMCE, You have a short introduction-justification, of the main reasons that led the Government to undertake this reform, among these reasons are:

  • The Spanish education system have the rate of early school leavers in 2011 it stood at 26,5%, that is to say, one in four students not continuing their education beyond compulsory education. Considering that the current European average is 13,5%, the data is quite alarming.
  • Another reason for this educational reform are academic results. Surely many already know the results we obtained in the last PISA report ... Below the OECD average.
  • The results of International Programme for the Assessment of Adult Competition (PIAAC), also known as the PISA for adults, They were not much better: the Spanish population between 16 and 65 years obtained 252 points in reading comprehension, 21 points below the OECD average and 19 points below the EU average (EU). In mathematics, Spain gets 246 points; 23 below the OECD average and 22 below the EU average, the last among the countries examined.

Considering that one of the objectives that the EU has argued that we should reach for 2020 It is to reduce the school drop to less than 10% so what, As minimum, at least 40% of the population aged 30 and 34 years must have completed their studies in higher education or equivalent. It is not surprising that the Ministry of Education has put "batteries" in an attempt to achieve these objectives. The point is, Are we at some effective reforms ...? Lets go see it!

What changes raises the LOMCE?

Use of ICT in the classroom.

One of the topics covered in this educational reform, but from my point of view it is not clear how it will be implemented, is the Using Technology in education. In the new reform we talk about how globalization and the impact of new technologies make the way students learn is different. It referred to not only their learning is different, also how they communicate, to focus attention or approach a task.

This reform, it is intended to extend the concept of classroom time and space, developing virtual learning environments. Further, pose a collaborative resource utilization, sharing digital platforms and technologies between the Ministry, Education authorities, centers, teachers and students.

By last, pose select quality digital resources, quite obvious, Do not you think? Since I do not think any teacher intends to select resources that are useless ...

For me it is important to mention this aspect because, although it seems that has not yet clear how, at least there is already talk of the importance of ICTs should have in education today. We'll see how these "proposals" are implemented ...

Autonomy of Schools.

Another novelty is that this law raises the autonomy of schools. The main objective of this measure is that each center is able to identify their strengths and needs of their environment, to thereby make the best decisions regarding their educational offer. In the BOE it referred to the fact that they will have to demonstrate that they use public resources efficiently but, What about you you think that will happen? I sincerely believe that most of the centers already do what they think and not always to the benefit of their students. If so there is a limitation by the Government, How will it be when you do not have?

With this law the centers will autonomy to design and implement their own teaching methods. Further, the Education authorities may entrust centers determining schedules and content.

Legally, the role of teachers and students in decision-making will be very active. Teachers participate in making educational decisions for the Senate and, it must include students to the operation of the centers, through their delegates and group course, and their representatives on the School Council.

The role of parents It will also be essential, participating in the operation of the centers through their associations. It's more, Administrations shall foster educational information and training directed to you.

Primary Education.

Among the most significant changes in this law in the Primary Education that will stand the weight from now the core subjects. Language and literature, Mathematics, Natural and Foreign Language may not occupy a whole less than half of all school hours.

The external to the end of certain stages assessments are another major developments. After this reform bill, and assessments will be:

  • 3rd grade assessment. It will be built, designed by the Education Authorities and its aim is early detection of learning difficulties. This evaluation will begin this course made 2014/2015.
  • Assessment Primary 6. Will be outside, designed by the Government. Its main objective is to check the degree of acquisition of competence in linguistic communication, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology. Its implementation will start on course 2015/2016.

Evaluation at the end of each stage.

In addition to assessments to be introduced in 3rd and 6th grade, tests will be performed to verify that the objectives have been achieved in secondary and high schools.

– Final evaluation ESO. Also external and designed by the Government. The first final evaluation of ESO will be made after the course 2016-2017 Students who have completed the 4th year, and will have no academic effects, that is to say, It need not be overcome for the title of ESO. The final evaluation made after the course 2017-2018 yes have academic purposes.

  • This assessment will be necessary to overcome for ESO title.
  • The nota final It is the average of the scores weighted ESO 70%, and the final evaluation weighted 30%.
  • Further, there will be different tests for access to Baccalaureate or FP. Yes, do not worry because the choice of itinerary in 4th year is not decisive, that is to say, all students can be presented to the assessment by the choice they decide, or both options in the same or different times, regardless of the option cursada in 4th year. You will understand this better when, later, see the differences that have occurred in the itineraries of the ESO.

– Final evaluation Baccalaureate. It will be external and designed by the Government. The first final assessment will be made at the end Baccalaureate course 2016-2017 to students who have completed 2nd year, and will have no academic effects (It need not be overcome for a Bachelor), although they will be considered for university entrance. The final evaluation made after the course 2017-2018 yes have academic purposes.

  • Is must overcome to get the Bachelor's degree, and overcome all subjects Baccalaureate.
  • The nota final It is the average of the weighted grades to Baccalaureate 60%, and the final evaluation weighted 40%.

Secondary Education.

As I said above, They are produced important changes in the itineraries of the ESO. The main purpose of these changes is to anticipate the choice of itineraries.

Hereinafter, the Secondary education will be divided into two cycles: 1Th cycle of three school courses and 2nd cycle of the school year. This 2nd cycle or fourth year will have a preparatory character, that is to say, will serve as a preparatory school for the study of a discipline. Therefore, in this course you may choose one of these options:

  1. Option academic lessons for beginners Baccalaureate.
  2. Option applied for initiation teachings Vocational Training.

So when we talk about the final evaluation of ESO we commented that the choice of itinerary will not be decisive to be submitted to the test, So if, it is important to have in mind that will have access to high school studies the students who hold the Certificate in Secondary Education they have passed the final evaluation of secondary school by choice of academic teaching.

The conditions of high school to the education authorities will be able to offer Humanities and Social Sciences (with 2 differentiated itineraries), Arts and Sciences.

Vocational training.

Another big bets LOMCE is the implementation of the Basic Training, with an offer of 14 Evidence of basic vocational training and which takes effect from this course. This type of education can access students who have completed the third year of secondary education.

This new school will allow students to not just get a secondary education Basic Professional Technical title, along with a qualification level 1 in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The title Basic Professional Technical allow access to intermediate vocational training, as well as the possibility of obtaining the title of ESO after the final evaluation of ESO.

The entrance examination requirement is deleted from Training Professional Intermediate to Advanced Level, further, It is replaced by a procedure for admission to the center when the demand exceeds the supply of places.

This reform law also speaks of Dual Vocational, which is already implemented. We talked about a series of training initiatives linking Education Administrations and companies, in order to provide quality vocational qualification, harmonizing the processes of teaching and learning between schools and the workplace.

These changes will be implemented at the beginning of the cycle, in the school year 2015-2016, and new conditions of access and admission shall apply in the school year 2016-2017.

University access.

One of the most representative exchange of this law is the way to university.

With LOMCE, They may enter university students who have a bachelor's degree, provided they meet the academic requirements to access their Universities. In this case, Universities can set admission procedures.

Until the course 2017/2018 students continue to conduct the entrance exam to the University, thereafter the entrance exam to the University, Selectivity, It will be removed and the access criteria are determined by each university.

Foreign languages.

The aim of this law is equate teaching languages ​​to the levels established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The European Union sets the promotion of multilingualism as an essential objective for the construction of a European project. So it is mastering a second language and even a third becomes crucial.

Of the 14 European countries, the first foreign language in Spain is at No. 10 In the European study Language Proficiency (2012). It is strange that, considering that in Spain language education begins at a younger age, No expected result was obtained.

Other news of immediate implementation.

Further, under this law, se van a implantar Action plans for the development of highly gifted.

Special attention will also be paid to the Special Educational Needs, especially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Another objective of this law is to promote physical activity, balanced diet.

Further, Special measures will be taken in the attention to people with disabilities, ensuring accessibility to education, learning a foreign language and participation in improvement programs Learning.

As CONCLUSION and in order that you may have an overview of the changes that will occur:

  • The as amended in the curriculum, the organization, goals, promotion and assessments Primary education will be introduced for first courses, third and fifth in the school year 2014-2015, and second courses, fourth and sixth in the school year 2015-2016.
  • The as amended in the curriculum, the organization, goals, requirements for obtaining certificates and degrees, programs, promotion and assessments Secondary education will be implemented for the first and third courses in the school year 2015-2016, and the second and fourth courses in the school year 2016-2017.
  • The final evaluation of secondary school corresponding to the call that is made in the year 2017 not have academic purposes. In that school year only a single call will be held.
  • The as amended in the curriculum, the organization, goals, requirements for obtaining certificates and degrees, programs, promotion and assessments Baccalaureate will be implemented for the first course in the school year 2015-2016, and for the second year in the school year 2016-2017.

I take this opportunity to leave you a scheme in which you can see the routes and processes to move from one stage to another.

Finally I not am going to get me to discuss what is my opinion on this law. As I said at the beginning of post, The main objective of this article is that you be informed objectively, changes to be carried out so that you have your own opinion.

The only thing I will comment on this topic, and I find really disturbing, is that from 1970, year in which it was adopted General Education Law and that was in force until 1985, we had 5 various education laws, including current. And I wonder, ... all these changes have led to improvements in our education system? Have you done that we are at the forefront of education in Europe? I think no need to answer these questions, Truth?

As usual, Thanks for your time!

"Live as if you will die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever "

Mahatma Gandhi



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  1. Congratulations on your article Cris. I finally managed to find out the keys LOMCE.
    A big kiss

  2. Hello!! That good comes QUQ someone we explain these things. But a big question tngo…. The entrance exams to the next grade, being in the same branch.. They were going to take, and one side is not in others… ¿WHAT ABOUT THIS PART??

  3. First thank you very much for your article.
    my question is: if I finish a medium degree 2014 aacceder could to a higher degree course 2016-2017 without proof of access?
    and if if so, serious and definitive or could change the law again before the course 2016-2017?

    • Hi Alex,

      First, Thanks for your comment.
      In your case I can not tell you. In theory the test is removed to access spend Intermediate to Advanced Level in the course 2015/2016. I think the best you can do, for sure, It is to ask on the center that would take the Higher Level. There they will inform you safely and avoid surprises.

      A greeting,

  4. Hello! Yesterday came the call for the entrance examinations to Grado Superior in Madrid and read the requirements it is not clear, Do I permanently you can make a Higher Level, taking the degree Intermediate, that is to say, TECHNICAL being? Without having to access the test. If so, He would not have to do anything until September, to enroll, ¿no?
    Thank you

    • Hello Ana,

      First, thanks for commenting on the post.
      I think it's best that you ask directly in the center where you want to take the Higher Level. There they can learn to tell the access requirements without last minute surprises. Further, the enrollment period can vary from one center to another.

      A hug and good luck.

  5. Hello, I would ask a few things…
    Yesterday the director of the center informed us that we had technical title we could not submit to this call for higher grade test.
    I just finished practice, I paid the fees of the title and have the notes with the fit of the FC, this week diploma¿todo give me this would be worth to say that I have the title of technician?
    Anyway we access directly or some similar test would?

  6. Hi thanks for your post is great
    My question is I have my son doing an average degree ends in June 2016 to do the test for acepso a higher grade of the same branch?

  7. Hi Cristina, Congratulations on the article,
    My question is the following.. have an average degree of Adm if this law is implemented to make a higher degree without having to access the Grade test it would have to be the same Rama, that is to say, Administration? or you could make the same Family? ie Option A.

    • Thank you very much for your comment!
      At first, if I'm not mistaken, you can switch from one branch to another without problem, yes, note that access to a degree from another branch is subject to the conditions of admission to the center of your choice and, possibly, if there are students who want to access the module Higher Level from the same branch they are priority.
      It is best that you approach the center where they want to pursue the Higher Grade and ask for the conditions of admission.
      A hug and good luck.

  8. Hello your articulo.Mi interesting question is have an average degree of care technician Socio-saniatia for Early Childhood Education Degree q would have access to test?

    • Hello Ana,

      Thank you for comment this article! As I was telling Fran, in principle you you can switch from one branch to another without problem, yes, You should be aware that access to a degree from another branch is subject to the conditions of the center. Further, It is likely to give priority to students accessing from the same branch.
      It is best that you approach the center where they want to pursue the Higher Grade and ask for the conditions of admission.

      A hug and good luck.

  9. Hola'buenas tardes.Estoy reading this article I find very interesting q,but I have not come out of doubt,since my current situation, you are creating me many doubts and working to nervios.Soy 8 hours,starting time and student for entrance exam grade superior.He been reading,but I am not clear where I can find the information that necesito.Soy of Valencia and say that if we have an average degree of technical (which if that I have), but in a few years,q do not have access test, q directsmente.Alguien if not we could help me?I am disabled and I is thanks also causing jitters. and a greeting.

    • Hi Lorena,
      First, thanks for commenting on the post.
      As I mention in the article, one of the changes introduced with the LOMCE is that the entrance test requirement is deleted from Vocational Training Middle Grade Higher Grade.
      In any case, personally I ask in the center where you want to pursue the Higher Grade, since according to the LOMCE access this test may be replaced by a procedure for admission to the center if the demand exceeds the supply of places.
      Greetings and much encouragement.

  10. Hello,

    My son 19 years old, the moment has not yet approved the ESO is enrolled in adult school, It is present at the free tests F.P. GM, I understand that with the approved test directly accessible to FP top grade.

    Thank you

    • Hello Read,

      First, thanks for commenting on the post.
      So you comment, your son is currently studying the ESO, Is this correct?
      In case of passing the exam, you can take the Intermediate, but in order to pursue the Higher Grade should have baccalaureate or intermediate level. In any case, It is the best thing in the center which is studying the ESO ask about the steps to be taken depending on what your objective.

      A greeting,

  11. Hello. I have a doubt. My child is in 2 bachelor. If you would not approve q repeat all subjects or suspend only the q. Thank you

    • Hi Manuela,

      Thank you for commenting on the post. Everything depends on the number of subjects that fit poorly. Further, always you have the opportunity to stand for the September. The best is that, if this is the case and suspends one or more subjects, talk to your tutor to see what they recommend.

      A greeting,

  12. It is true q courses 4 a 6 the hall ,is forced natural whole subject will be in English .

    • Hi Mari Carmen,

      Thanks for commenting the post!
      There are many centers that have chosen to keep the subject of Natural Sciences in Castilian.

      A hug,

  13. Hello.
    Access will be valid college via FP?

    • Hi Stephany,

      Thanks for your comment!
      As I was telling Cristina. At first, If you can access from FP Top Grade, but access requirements are set by each university, so ideally you to be the center that would attend the race and ask for the requirements applying.

      A hug and good luck,

  14. Hello! First of all thank you very much all the effort put in your article and what you helped me with it, but I have a question that I can not solve. Those who are in a Superior FP, How we access next year to college? Why selectivity, by average mark, according as decided by each university…? Look I'm looking for information, But I can not answer my questions and I would like to know to get to work and selectivity if I needed next year to use it.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Cristina,

      Thanks for your comment! In principle access requirements are set by each university so ideally you were in the center pursue the career you want and ask for the requirements applying.

      A hug and good luck,

  15. In September 2016 I start my second year in a Higher Vocational Training Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory. My goal is to access the medical career since by way of “school / selectivity” He did not give me the note. I have read several pages and was not yet clear how would the path to college from FP from June 2017 and specifically in this race.
    A greeting and thanks for the information.

    • Good morning Nabila,

      Specifically for this race you I can not say. Generally it depends on the access center that want to study.
      From my point of view, I think it's best you near the university where you plan to study medicine and ask specific access requirements.

      A hug,

  16. Good afternoon, I am a high school student at a distance and I have one other subject of the second and eleventh grade. I must now enroll for the course 2016-2017 and do not know enlighten me in my school if there is extended or if I have to make the new high school in my case. I have not studied mathematics and is supposed to be compulsory education reform. I wonder if you can help me know what will happen with all those who are in my situation, since we are people we work and we are doing the baccalaureate as we can to get the title prior to approving and you gave it. Thank you very much and hope you can answer my question.

    • Good morning Carmen,

      Being such a specific case Sorry I can not help 🙁
      Your institute is that the situation should solucionarte, as it is where you are enrolled in high school.
      From my point of view, They should inform and give a solution to this.

      A hug and good luck,


    ¡Muy practico! Contundentes motivos. Manten este nivel es un blog fantastico. Tengo que leer màs articulos como este.


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