An inefficient and outdated education system.

photo credit: eflon via photopin cc

photo credit: eflon via photopin cc

Sure you'll think often title for today's post. Really, title often and often post, because today I will take the audacity to write from the heart.

You know I'm usually very objective in everything that I write, I look for useful information that you can serve to work and motivate your children, but today I'll write with a clear objective: see if someone awake the desire to change the educational system we have so what, from my point of view, It is not going to lead anywhere.

As you know this year I disassociated direct work in a school and, Besides giving college class, I'm giving private lessons to children from different schools.

This has greatly changed my perspective of education in our country, because I know how they work closely centers different locations in our community, how they work with these children and how they approach their different needs. What I have observed? First, that attention to diversity is a utopia.

Schools parents sell personalized education in the 90% cases not performed. Let's be realistic, How a teacher who has 30 students and just 2 hours of personal work a week, often including tutorials, you can make a personalized education with students? Well the reality is that, If you give a motivated teacher, he does not care to let the skin with these children and for which above all is your education, you will see good results, but if you're before a hypersaturated professor at the workload, that carries 20 years lecturing and has been losing motivation over time ... then ...

The main problem I see in our educational system is that the real origin of schools is not to give quality education, or help grow free people and formed. The main objective of most schools in our country, I say most because I know exceptions, goodness!, it is rich, earn little money to live phenomenal, at the expense of paying derisory salaries for teachers who spend more than 35 hours with students. That clear, in Spain the teacher is lucky, charges about 1.500 euros per month, but that is not so is not even 1,000 ... is that what it's worth educating those who lay the foundation of our future society? The answer is yes. Not interested in having a well-formed future society, the well-trained people think for themselves, They construct their own knowledge and question everything happening around them and this, this does not matter to those who have the power and pull the strings.

Another of the major problems we have with education in this country is not based on the needs of individuals, but in the political ideology of the ruling party at that time, How many times has changed our education law? We saw in the post on LOMCE I posted a few weeks ago.

The other day I was talking to a friend owner of a private school in one of the best neighborhoods in the capital, and told me no longer as students reach out "Bounced" concerted and public schools in which they have been told literally: "I have very complicated to pass ..." Students what they need is a follow, someone who motivates them, to serve as a guide who can get the best out of them ... Coincidentally these students "would not approve" approve and even end up doing a university degree, but, What about those families who can not afford a college 700 euros? What happens is, what has been happening for some time, we have generations of young people who literally do nothing, do not work, They do not study and are not motivated by anything. Nobody does anything for these generations but, Do you have realized that they are our future?

Luckily there are still motivated teachers, that despite the difficulties fighting for what they believe and pull forward to hundreds of children throughout his career.

Many parents ask me if I think the important thing is the school or teachers, without hesitation, the teachers. Whatever the ideology and methodology of a school, if their teachers are good and are motivated these children will thrive. Further, of course, there are still centers that provide facilities to their teachers, They are supporting them in their decisions and motivate them. How important is motivation in education! Actually in every area of ​​our lives, Do you have realized that without motivation would conduct any activity not our day to day?

Then, What solution do we have before this education system?

First, value much more this profession and that does not mean that everything is a bed of roses for teachers, because this profession to value more the change goes through increase the level of demand for access to this college career, as already it happens in the Nordic countries where teachers are required almost more than doctors and engineers, why? Because they are aware that without some teachers trained, the basis of their society, The education, It would be poor, and a mediocre education leads to a mediocre society.

Secondly we should strongly ask politicians stop making education laws to his image and likeness, and begin to make the image and likeness of real users: children. At this point it is also worth mentioning that would be great that gigs longer grant "friends" and begin to be given to educational projects really effective and efficient.

What is my weapon and my contribution in this regard? First, I will not swallow something that does not create, while I can think to keep fighting and defending my view education, an education where the emphasis is actually put in people, an education in which they seek and understand the true interests of the child in order to develop a real learning.

I plan to continue talking freely, looking for information that helps to make, even from home and with your tools, do them implement effective systems, why, although we put complicated, We can get it.

Today more than ever, thanks for your time!

A hug and happy week!


“Teaching that leaves a mark is not the one that is head to head, but heart to heart "

Howard G. Hendricks


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  1. Good morning Cristina, thank you very much for your dedication, understanding and broadmindedness; You're a breath of fresh air, recalcitrant in training not education today. Animo, We are proud of you not only my family but certainly many more.
    A kiss.

    • Thank Marcos! 😀
      For me it is very important your support. Every word of your children, Every smile, every step I take with them gives me strength to continue fighting for education in which I believe.
      A big hug for the whole family!

  2. Bravo, bravo, Bravo for these words that we love to read and hopefully become reality in the not too distant future. For those who are parents (in these times), we are concerned and much education / training we chose for our @ s hij @ s. And I think, from my own experience, that motivation is essential when our children grow as individuals, for there is nothing worse than apathy.
    With such a great and dedicated people there, do not you cut the wings.
    Thank you for the time you spend us!!!

    • Thank you for all your support Blanca both inside and outside the blog.
      Without parents like you that it would not be possible.
      A big hug.

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