How to boost the confidence of your children.

photo credit: Ballet 3 via photopin (license)

photo credit: Ballet 3 via photopin (license)

This week I count with a very special collaboration on the blog. A collaboration, that we get from the other side of “puddle”, Hand Catalina Lopez Zuluaga. Born in Medellin, Antioquia, Montessori study at school and studied Social Communication and Journalism at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, where he graduated in 2005. Passionate about travel, and that was how she met her husband, with leading 10 years married and has two children, Mariana de 8 years and sockets 5 years old.

Besides travel, passionate about reading, cinema and all the outdoor activities. A year ago he started a personal project through writing about their adventures and journeys and, of course, on his greatest adventure, the wonderful experience of being a mom.

Today he wanted to share with us their knowledge how we can boost the confidence of our kids, I leave you with her!

It is no secret that the bullying has been affecting children and adolescents for generations. But today seems to be no limit to this terrible behavior, as the Internet and social networks have brought the ideal medium for this behavior to expand to levels unexpected environment, which usually end in tragedy.

The development of children and, above all, teen, It is closely linked to strengthen their self-esteem. Children who are confident in themselves tend to be happier and do not become either perpetrators or victims of bullying, above all, if they use other values ​​such as tolerance, generosity and respect.

What I can do to boost the confidence of my children?

Our role as parents is essential. We who laid the foundation for our children feel good about themselves, but nevertheless, We do not always know what we must do to achieve, so here we leave some pretty practical tips:

  1. Do not over-protect them: Many times we do not distinguish the limits we have as parents, obviously we want to keep them safe, We do not want to hurt themselves or others do, but we avoid exaggerating experience and win them overcome fears. Do not worry, surely scraped knees, make mistakes and not everything will be beautiful and perfect, but these events will be extremely educational for them, They know how to defend in the future when a similar situation occurs and have confidence to overcome successfully.
  2. Promote reading habit: There is a safe and efficient way to learn things through the example of others, and reading is a great way to learn this, plus much more. If a child gets used to read, increase their knowledge, your brain agility, mature faster and strengthens their self-esteem to feel that it is a step forward, and to know there is a much bigger world, not worth worrying about a joke or two that make you stupid things other people.
  3. Let him experience his own individuality: Upon reaching adolescence, we must understand that our children are looking at themselves, They are seeking a circle to belong and feel comfortable, but this circle is not always as we expected, Many children lose self-esteem when they feel accepted even in your own home. We must understand that these babies we brought the world are growing and people are entitled to choose their own course. If you do not like the medicine but music, respect them and let them teach you their world, we all want our children to be happy and to support them.
  4. Flatter them when they do good things: We are used to handle much stress, but stress is related to negative impulses, so we tend to punish and scold our children when they do not fulfill their duties or when they behave badly. But, How many times felicitas your children to help you with the dishes? How many times brindas a few words of praise when they get good grades on tests? Do your emotions overflow in the same way when they break an ornament that when you help make the food? Think about it and Give them more love and compliments.

We hope these tips will be useful to you and your children

Happy Parenting!

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  1. Very good! In fact, on Saturday I was in some very interesting parenting days in Rivas that dealt with tantrums, but they dropped some of this and our children's self esteem, something that worries us and parents a lot. Why do we all want our children to be self-sufficient and nobody humiliate them and instead allow them to do it to other children?? We should start by correcting ourselves so that they learn to respect others.

    Thank you for giving us guidelines so that they can have more confidence in themselves.


    • Hello Blanca,
      Thanks for comment!!
      So is! Self-confidence is essential. We must work on it and encourage it since they are little. This will make them grow and discover other aspects of their lives..
      A hug,

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